Course Overview

Whether you are managing complex infrastructure or orchestrating detailed workflows, this course will empower you to leverage Ansible’s advanced capabilities to streamline operations, improve efficiency, and customize your automation environments. 

This course begins with topics on managing Ansible playbooks, covering key functionalities such as using the playbook_dir magic variable and running Python scripts remotely with the Ansible module script. You will also learn how to build and run custom Ansible execution environments using ansible-builder and ansible-runner. Advanced configuration management techniques are explored, including managing SSH host key checking and using ansible-config. The second section dives into Ansible Vault for encrypting sensitive data and securely managing it in your playbooks. Finally, the course covers Ansible Playbook code for Linux, including modules for text editing, service management, Git repository interactions, file operations, and system monitoring. 

By the end of this course, you will gain advanced Ansible skills to automate complex tasks, manage configurations, and improve system performance with precision. 

What You Will Learn

  • Create and run custom Ansible execution environments using the ansible-builder and ansible-runner command-line tools.
  • Manage remote systems efficiently with advanced Ansible modules
  • including service
  • cron
  • git
  • and fetch for file and service handling.
  • Secure your playbooks using Ansible Vault for encryption
  • decryption
  • and secure variable management.
  • Optimize system administration tasks like scheduling cron jobs
  • applying templates
  • and managing system services across multiple hosts.

Program Curriculum

  • Current ansible-playbook Path - playbook_dir Magic Variable
  • Run a Python Script on Remote Machines - Ansible Module Script
  • Build a Custom Ansible Execution Environment - ansible-builder command-line Tool
  • Run an Ansible Execution Environment - ansible-runner command-line Tool
  • Ignore Ansible SSH Host Key Checking - Ansible Configuration
  • An In-Depth Guide to ansible-config Managing Ansible Configuration
  • Run Immediately an Ansible Handler - Ansible Playbook
  • Two Ways to Run Multiple Ansible Handlers - Ansible Playbook
  • Chapter 1 Quiz

  • Use Ansible Vault in Ansible Playbook - Ansible Vault
  • Decrypt an Ansible Vault - Ansible Vault
  • Chapter 2 Quiz

  • Ansible Collections - ansible.builtin vs. ansible.legacy
  • Edit Single Line Text - Ansible Module lineinfile
  • Edit Multi-line Text - Ansible Module blockinfile
  • Test Host Availability - Ansible Module ping
  • Reboot Remote Hosts - Ansible Module reboot
  • Checkout Git Repository via SSH - Ansible Module git
  • Checkout Git Repository via HTTPS - Ansible Module git
  • Copy Files from Remote Hosts - Remote to Local - Ansible Module fetch
  • Copy Files to Remote Hosts - Local to Remote - Ansible Module copy
  • Start and Enable Services on Boot on Remote Hosts - Ansible Module service_facts
  • Stop and Disable Services on Boot on Remote Hosts - Ansible Module service
  • Apply a File Template - Ansible Module Template
  • Restart Services on Remote Hosts - Ansible Module service
  • Schedule a Cron Job Task in Linux - Ansible Module cron
  • Loop in File Template - Ansible Module Template - Generate Hosts File
  • Read File from Remote Hosts - Ansible Module slurp
  • Download a File using an HTTPS Proxy via Environment Variables - Ansible get_url
  • Permanently Set Remote System Wide Environment Variables on Linux - Ansible line
  • Reduce Intel Laptop CPU Temperature Overheating In Linux - Ansible Module Package
  • Chapter 3 Quiz


Luca Berton

Luca has been 14 years in the IT market with a technical background and people in mind. His strengths are Ansible automation, GNU/Linux, and cloud computing. He is a certified Red Hat System Administrator. He likes to teach and move your skills to the next level! He tries to automate as many things as possible because he considers himself a lazy person. He is a freelancer Consultant with 18 years of experience in leading cross-functional teams to deliver innovative AI and cloud solutions. He has expertise in driving technological strategies that align with business objectives and mentoring teams to achieve operational excellence. Luca has authored industry-recognized books and courses on AI, Kubernetes, and Ansible, establishing thought leadership in DevOps and cloud technologies. His track record of delivering future-proof solutions and my expertise in cutting-edge technologies position your organization for success.

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