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Hacktify Cyber SecurityScott Cosentino
Hackify Cyber Security is a Software Training Institute in Mumbai which provides Practicals and Hands-on real World Scenarios. They provide application security training and certifications via self-paced online courses as well as hands-on live training sessions. They also conduct Security Training and VA/PT.Scott Cosentino is a developer and teacher who is passionate about learning. He works primarily in software development and computer security. Aside from this, he has taught students a variety of programming-related topics, and he loves to inspire students to be passionate about the topics that he teaches. He has experience in both large classes and one on one teaching. Scott believes that mathematics and computer science can be approachable and fun topics. he tailors his courses so that they are easy to comprehend, with an exploration of what, why, and how of every topic. He understands that these topics are not a spectator sport, so he provides as many examples and practises problems as possible so that the viewer can follow along and learn!
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Experience immersive learning with Practice Labs, CTF Challenges, and exclusive EC-Council certifications for comprehensive skill-building.
Everything in Pro and
- 800+ Practice Lab exercises with guided instructions
- 150+ CTF Challenges with detailed walkthroughs
- New Practice Labs and Challenges added every month
3 Official EC-Council Essentials Certifications¹ (retails at $897!)
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¹This plan includes Digital Forensics Essentials (DFE), Ethical Hacking Essentials (EHE), and Network Defense Essentials (NDE) certifications. No other EC-Council certifications are included.
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Bug Bounty Hunting Essentials
What's included
- Full Video Access
- Self-Paced Study Guide
- 6 months of access to virtual labs
- Once redeemed, this bundle will be valid for 12 months
- Self-Paced Study Guide
- Exam Voucher + Retake
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