Course Overview
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Chintan Gurjar
Chintan Gurjar is a highly experienced cybersecurity expert with over 12 years of dynamic experience. Chintan specializes in various areas, including vulnerability management, threat intelligence, penetration testing, and attack surface management. He has worked with a diverse range of clients, from agile consulting firms to large-scale retail organizations on a global level. Chintan possesses a wealth of core competencies, including Risk-Based Vulnerability Management, Penetration Testing & Red Teaming, Attack Surface Management, Threat Intelligence, and proficiency in Security Operation Center & SIEM. He has held esteemed roles such as Global Senior Vulnerability Management Analyst at TikTok, Security Engineering Manager at Tesco, and Cybersecurity Manager at KPMG. Chintan's academic credentials are equally impressive, with an MSc in Computer Security & Forensics from the University of Bedfordshire and a B. Tech in Computer Engineering from Gandhinagar Institute of Technology. He also carries numerous industry certifications, including OSCP, CEH, CTIA, CCFH, CCFA, and SANS MGT516. Apart from being an expert in his field, Chintan is also a recognized leader. He serves as a member of the Board of Advisors at the Sri Sri School of CyberPeace Foundation and has co-trained at the prestigious HackCon Norwegian cybersecurity conference. His contributions to the cybersecurity domain have earned him recognition in multiple Bug-Bounty programs and official CVE entries for identifying key vulnerabilities. Given his vast expertise and commitment to the field, Chintan is the ideal guide to navigate learners through this comprehensive course on Applied Attack Surface Analysis and Reduction.
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