Course Overview

Would you like to take your JavaScript knowledge to the next level? Would you like to become a master JavaScript programmer by mastering one of the most complex, but very important aspects of web development? Asynchronous programming is real-world programming, and if you master it, you'll certainly stand out from your competitors!

JavaScript wasn't designed to be an Asynchronous language, but with just the right tweaks, you can make it Asynchronous. 

In the real world, everything doesn't happen one after the other. You might be stuck with a data fetch that takes a couple of seconds to execute. You can't make the rest of your code wait for it to finish executing though. Asynchronous code helps you manage everything seamlessly while making sure that the data you're waiting for (in our example) is used in your code ONLY after it has been completely fetched. Sounds like magic, doesn't it? 

But it also sounds too complicated.

Don't worry.

You'll learn every single concept of Asynchronous JavaScript with easy-to-understand over-the-shoulder examples and detailed, but interesting explanations.

You'll learn all about event loops and how JavaScript works behind the screen and how it executes Asynchronous code, about callbacks and their drawbacks, how promises replaced them and how Async Await made promises prettier. You'll apply all of these in 3 real-world mini projects as well.

So, if you'd like to delve deep into the exciting world of Asynchronous programming, especially with JavaScript as your language of choice, this course is perfect for you.

What You Will Learn

  • By the end of this course
  • you’ll have a thorough understanding of how Asynchronous programming works in JavaScript.
  • You'll learn the ins and outs of one of the major topics that can land you a job or a promotion
  • You’ll know how to apply those concepts in your projects and create clean code that runs faster than your peers
  • You'll learn all about event loops and how JavaScript works behind the screen and how it executes Asynchronous code
  • You'll learn about callbacks and how you've probably been using them in your daily programming already
  • You'll learn about the pros and cons of callbacks
  • callback hell and why we need a replacement
  • You'll learn about promises
  • an ES6 update
  • and how they replaced callbacks
  • You'll learn about handling errors in promises
  • You'll learn about making promises prettier with Async Await
  • an ES7 update
  • You'll learn about handling errors in async await
  • You'll learn how to apply what you learn in 3 real world mini projects
  • You'll learn one of the most complex topics of programming with easy-to-understand examples and hands-on explanations

Program Curriculum

  • What are Callback Functions and What Do They Do?
  • How Asynchronous Code Execution Works - Multi-threading in JavaScript?
  • Event Loops, Call Stacks and Web APIs
  • $7 Million Cybersecurity Scholarship by EC-Council
  • Chapter 1 Quiz

  • What are Callback Functions and What Do They Do?
  • Callbacks in setTimeout and Event Listeners - Asynchronous Actions
  • Callbacks within Callbacks
  • Handling Errors in Callbacks
  • Callback Hell
  • Synchronous Callback
  • Mini Project #1 - Question
  • Mini Project #1 - Solution
  • Chapter 2 Quiz

  • Promises - What Do They Do?
  • Creating and Using Promises in Your Asynchronous Code
  • then(), .catch(), and .finally()
  • Promise Chains
  • Error Handling in Promises - In Detail
  • Promisification
  • Mini Project #2
  • Chapter 3 Quiz

  • Async Await - A Detailed Look
  • Error Handling in Async Await
  • Error Handling in Async Await
  • Mini Project #3
  • Chapter 4 Quiz


Aarthi Elumalai

Aarthi Elumalai is a programmer, educator, entrepreneur, and innovator. She has a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Computer Science from Anna University, Chennai. Since then, she has managed a team of programmers and worked with 100s of clients. She is also launched a dozen web apps, plugins and software that are being used by thousands of customers online. She has over 15 years of experience in programming. She started coding in Basics at the age of 12, but her love for programming took root when she came across C programming at the age of 15. Her courses are well-received by the masses, and she has a student base of over 100,000 students from all over the world. Her courses and books always come with hands-on training in creating real-world projects using the knowledge learned so her students get better equipped for the real world.

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