Course Overview

This course is tailored for IT professionals and system administrators seeking to automate complex tasks in both VMware and AWS environments using Ansible. This course helps streamline operations through Ansible’s powerful automation tools, enhancing your efficiency in managing virtual machines and cloud infrastructure. 

This course begins with configuring Ansible for VMware, covering everything from setting up a Python virtual environment to troubleshooting common issues like failed certificate verifications. You will learn how to manage VMware vSphere virtual machines, including creating, deploying, starting, stopping, and taking snapshots using Ansible modules. Additionally, the course covers dynamic inventory management for VMware and backing up configurations on Dell EMC and Mikrotik RouterOS devices. The second section dives into automating tasks in AWS, focusing on configuring Ansible for AWS, searching for EC2 AMI IDs, and troubleshooting Python library errors. You’ll also cover PostgreSQL database management, from installation on different systems to creating users, granting privileges, and performing backups and restores. 

By the end of this course, you will gain expertise in automating VMware and AWS tasks while effectively managing databases with Ansible. 

What You Will Learn

  • Automate VMware vSphere tasks like VMs
  • snapshots
  • and disk operations with Ansible.
  • Troubleshoot Ansible errors in VMware and AWS environments
  • resolving common issues.
  • Manage PostgreSQL databases on RedHat and Debian systems with Ansible modules.
  • Use dynamic inventory for VMware and optimize Ansible playbook execution.

Program Curriculum

  • Configure Ansible for VMware - Ansible Collection community.vmware
  • Configure a Python Virtual Environment for Ansible VMware - Ansible Collection c
  • Ansible Troubleshooting - VMware Failed to Import PyVmomi
  • Ansible Troubleshooting - VMware Unknown Error while Connecting to vCenter or ES
  • Ansible Troubleshooting - VMware Certificate Verify Failed Connecting to vCenter
  • Create a VMware vSphere Virtual Machine - Ansible Module vmware_guest
  • Deploy a VMware vSphere Virtual Machine from a Template - Ansible Module vmware_
  • Start a VMware vSphere Virtual Machine - Ansible Module vmware_guest_powerstate
  • Stop a VMware vSphere Virtual Machine - Ansible Module vmware_guest_powerstate
  • Take a VMware Virtual Machine Snapshot - Ansible Module vmware_guest_snapshot
  • Delete a VMware Virtual Machine Snapshot?-?Ansible Module vmware_guest_snapshot
  • Add a New Hard Disk to VMware vSphere Virtual Machine - Ansible Module vmware_gu
  • Expand a Virtual Disk in VMware vSphere Virtual Machine - Ansible Module vmware_
  • Ansible Dynamic Inventory for VMware - Ansible vmware_vm_inventory
  • Get VMware vSphere Virtual Machine UUID - Ansible Module vmware_guest_info
  • Backup Config on Dell EMC Networking Operating System DNOS 6 -Ansible Network d
  • Backup Config on Dell EMC Networking Operating System DNOS 10 - Ansible Network
  • Backup Config on Mikrotik RouterOS - Ansible Network community.routeros
  • Chapter 1 Quiz

  • Configure Ansible for AWS - Ansible Collection
  • Configure a Python Virtual Environment for Ansible AWS - Ansible Collection amaz
  • Search for AWS EC2 AMI ID by Region - Ansible Module ec2_ami_info
  • Ansible Troubleshooting?-?AWS Failed to Import the Required Python Library (boto)
  • Install PostgreSQL in RedHat-like Systems - Ansible Modules yum, stat, shell, se
  • Install PostgreSQL in Debian-like Systems - Ansible Modules apt, stat, shell, se
  • Drop a PostgreSQL Database - Ansible Module postgresql_user
  • Create a PostgreSQL Database - Ansible Module postgresql_db
  • Create a PostgreSQL User or Role - Ansible Module postgresql_user
  • Allow md5 Connection for a PostgreSQL User / Role - Ansible Module postgresql_pg
  • Grant Privileges to User/Role on PostgreSQL Database?-?Ansible Module postgresql
  • Backup a PostgreSQL Database - Ansible Module postgresql_db
  • Restore a PostgreSQL Database - Ansible Module postgresql_db
  • Rename a PostgreSQL Database - Ansible Module postgresql_db
  • Run a SQL Command/Query on PostgreSQL - Ansible Module postgresql_query
  • Chapter 2 Quiz


Luca Berton

Luca has been 14 years in the IT market with a technical background and people in mind. His strengths are Ansible automation, GNU/Linux, and cloud computing. He is a certified Red Hat System Administrator. He likes to teach and move your skills to the next level! He tries to automate as many things as possible because he considers himself a lazy person. He is a freelancer Consultant with 18 years of experience in leading cross-functional teams to deliver innovative AI and cloud solutions. He has expertise in driving technological strategies that align with business objectives and mentoring teams to achieve operational excellence. Luca has authored industry-recognized books and courses on AI, Kubernetes, and Ansible, establishing thought leadership in DevOps and cloud technologies. His track record of delivering future-proof solutions and my expertise in cutting-edge technologies position your organization for success.

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