Course Overview

Have you always wanted to build a game, but never known where to start? Maybe the thought of programming scares you, you don't know how to share or sell your games, and you want to be able to publish your games to different platforms. This course is for you! In this course, you don't need any programming experience at all. You won't need to hunt down resources to build your maps, characters, music, etc. All the tools that you need are built right into the software that we will be using. Have custom music, sounds, or graphics? Not a problem, we will go over that too! Have a Windows machine, an Apple, or Linux? The good news, is RPG Maker works with all platforms. Do you want to build a game that's not an RPG? Again, not a problem, RPG Maker is more than an RPG builder, it is a powerful, flexible tool that is capable of creating various games.In this course, we will be going through building a game from scratch, start to finish. We will go over tips and tricks, how to export your game to various formats, and how to publish your game(s) for free or get paid. We will be going through step by step in an easy to follow instructions. If you have any questions or issues during the course? Contact me and I will do my best to help you out. Just because you buy the course, doesn't mean the support ends there.Don't stop yourself from realizing your dreams of building and publishing your game. Grab the course, get the software (demo or full) and build your first game!

What You Will Learn

  • Learn how to build a game from scratch
  • Learn how to export your games to various formats
  • Learn how to publish your games for free or get paid

Program Curriculum

  • Course Requirements
  • Getting RPG Maker MV Demo (Windows)
  • How to Get RPG Maker MV Cheap?
  • What Can I Make in RPG Maker VM?
  • Planning Our Game
  • A Brief Tour of RPG Maker MV
  • Events
  • Creating Characters in RPG Maker MV (Visual)
  • Making Maps in RPG Maker MV
  • Editing O


Jeff Minakata

Jeff Minakata has worked in the IT industry for over 22 years. He holds various cybersecurity certifications, networking certifications, and engineering certifications such as C|OSINT Certified, trained in CEH v8, CEH v9, CEH v11, CISP, Metasploit certified, Accredited Configuration Engineer (ACE), MCSI OSINT Practitioner, and CWA certified. He is an Online Instructor for OSINT, ethical hacking, and network security. He has contracted courses for EC-Council, Udemy, and has written articles for Hackin9 and eForensics magazine. Jeff currently works on the computer networking side and teaches ethical hacking, OSINT, and cybersecurity online. He is passionate about helping people understand OSINT, ethical hacking, and cybersecurity.

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