Course Overview

Have you ever thought about what goes on behind the scenes when you

  • Buy a product
  • Check the weather
  • or use a messenger service?

None of these would be possible without APIs - Application Programming Interfaces.

In this course, we'll build an API with Node and Express that is perfect for an eCommerce application like a store.

You'll learn tons of useful skills, valuable to any freelancer, front-end developer, back-end developer, or full-stack developer:

  • Set up Node and Express
  • Install and configure MongoDB
  • Examine MongoDB records
  • Update MongoDB records with Node
  • Create a REST API with Node and Express
  • Search for records in a MongoDB database
  • Find and modify specific entries in a MongoDB database
  • Decode and interpret POST requests
  • Make POST requests using Node
  • Document a REST API

There really is a huge amount of value packed into this course! It is amazing the sheer volume of practical skills we are able to cover in such a short time.

Why are you waiting to expand your skills into a world of data, commerce and communication? Sign up for this course today!

"Thou has no speculation in those eyes which thou dost glare with." - MacBeth

In rough order, we will cover the following:

  • Understand what a REST API is
  • Review the finished product
  • Understand the key tools we’ll be using (Express, Babel, etc.)
  • Understand fundamental REST terms (GET, POST, etc.)
  • Build the application
  • Scaffold Node environment
  • Configure Express
  • Create GET routes
  • Create POST routes

What You Will Learn

  • Set up Node and Express
  • Examine MongoDB records
  • Create a REST API with Node and Express
  • Find and modify specific entries in a MongoDB database
  • Make POST requests using Node
  • Install and configure MongoDB
  • Update MongoDB records with Node
  • Search for records in a MongoDB database
  • Decode and interpret POST requests
  • Document a REST API

Program Curriculum

  • Understanding REST APIs
  • Understanding the Tools We Will Use
  • $7 Million Cybersecurity Scholarship by EC-Council
  • Chapter 1 Quiz

  • Initializing the Project/Configuring Express
  • Setting up the Database
  • Documenting the Application
  • Chapter 2 Quiz

  • ROADMAP - Requesting and Sending Data Using a REST API
  • Requesting and Sending Data Regarding a Single Product
  • Searching for Products by Ordinal Values
  • Searching for Products by Linear Values
  • Querying the Database for All Distinct Values
  • Chapter 3 Quiz

  • Documenting a Secure Route
  • Modifying Data on a REST API
  • Summary/Homework
  • Chapter 4 Quiz


Daniel ‘Code Whisperer’ Stern

Daniel Stern is known in development circles as “the Code Whisperer." Daniel has been working as a front end and full stack developer in the tech industry since 2011. He's developed single-page applications for banks like CIBC, charities like the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, and at ad agencies like McLaren McCann, TraffikGroup and Olson. In addition to being featured in both CSS Weekly and JavaScript weekly, Daniel is well-known throughout the open-source community for maintaining several open-source tools, most notably the Angular.js and LESS-based tool, Range .css and the Angular .js audio tool, ngAudio. In addition to being trusted by the open source community to develop top-quality, functional code, Daniel has also been invited to speak at numerous conferences including Full Stack Conference 2014 in London, England.

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