Course Overview

To reach a wider segment of audience, an app must be present on multiple platforms. But maintaining multiple codebases for the corresponding platforms is a difficult task. Google has created Flutter to solve this problem, using Flutter you can create an Android app, an iOS app, a Web app and also a Desktop app from the same codebase. 

A modern app usually involves a remote backend (i.e. an app server) to provide dynamic experiences to its users. This usually involves another codebase created using some server-side technology , creation and maintenance of which is another expensive task. This can be simplified using Firebase. Firebase provides a number of services to create the backend for an app without writing any server-side code ourselves.

In this course I am teaching how to create a Job listing app using Flutter and Firebase. You don’t need to know multiple programming languages for the different target platforms and for the app-server, by the end of the course you will have your own Job listing app written in the language called Dart

What You Will Learn

  • You will learn to create a multi-platform native mobile app using Flutter and Firebase
  • You will learn the basics of creating a mobile application using Flutter
  • You will learn about structuring data on Firebase Cloud Firestore
  • You will learn to integrate Firebase SDKs with the Flutter app and perform CRUD operations on the Firestore database
  • You will learn to authenticate users using Firebase authentication

Program Curriculum

  • The Final Product
  • Setting Up the Development Environment
  • Deploying a Flutter App to a Physical Android Device and Emulator
  • Exploring the Default Code
  • The Building Blocks of a Flutter App
  • $7 Million Cybersecurity Scholarship by EC-Council
  • Chapter 1 Quiz

  • Creating the Landing Screen of the App
  • Creating the Login and Registration Screens
  • Creating the Job List Screen
  • Creating the Job Details Screen
  • Creating the Resume Screen
  • Creating the Edit Resume Screen
  • Creating the Posted Jobs Screen
  • Creating the Create Jobs Screen
  • Chapter 2 Quiz

  • Create a Firebase Project and Add Platform-Specific Configurations
  • Add and Initialize Flutterfire Plugins
  • Chapter 3 Quiz

  • Registering with Email and Password
  • Login with Email and Password
  • Adding Google Login
  • Implementing Logout
  • Fixing Issues and Debugging in Android Studios
  • Chapter 4 Quiz

  • Introduction to Cloud Firestore
  • Fetching List of Jobs from Cloud Firestore and Displaying it on the UI
  • The Billion-Dollar Mistake
  • Streambuilder vs Future Builder
  • Display Actual Data on the Job Details Screen
  • Fetch and Display a User’s Information on the Resume Screen
  • Fetch the List of Jobs Posted by a User
  • Fetch the List of Applicants for a Job
  • Chapter 5 Quiz

  • Adding a New Job to the Database
  • Create or Edit Resume
  • Upload an Image to Firebase Storage
  • Apply to a Job
  • Delete a Particular Job
  • Chapter 6 Quiz

  • Introduction to State Management
  • Basics of State Management using the Provider Package
  • Managing State in the Resume Screen using the Provider
  • Adding Ability to Switch to Dark Theme using Provider
  • Chapter 7 Quiz

  • What is Automated Testing and Why is it Important?
  • Adding Unit Tests to Our Jobs Listing App
  • Testing a Widget with Widget Testing
  • Testing the Complete App with an Integration Test
  • Chapter 8 Quiz


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Gitanjal Bhattacharjya

Gitanjal is a Google Certified Associate Android developer from India. He has been developing Android apps for more than 7 years and is an early adopter of Flutter. Gitanjal has published multiple apps on the Google play store which have been successful in reaching millions of users. A few notable projects among those are an e-learning app, an online ticket booking app, an e-learning app for Android TV. He currently works as a freelance Android/Flutter developer and is involved with two projects in the domain of Health Care and EdTech respectively. Gitanjal has a passion for teaching and has been pursuing this passion by publishing coding tutorials on his blog ( and by creating online video courses. In the last two years his courses have been published on some of the notable publications online. While teaching he focuses on presenting complex concepts in a way that makes it easy and fun to learn for anyone. In his courses you’ll get hands-on experience of creating a product from scratch.

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