Course Overview

What separates a successful data analyst from the rest? The demand for data professionals is at an all-time high and yet, landing a high-paying data analysis job is as hard as ever. The difference isn’t just technical expertise. It is the ability to use data to solve real-life business challenges. What’s missing is a structured approach to generating actionable insights from raw data. Data Analysis with Python Masterclass provides you with a framework to do so. 

We will begin with an introduction to data analytics and its significance in handling complex data. We will gain in-depth knowledge of all the steps needed for installation and setup for the coding environment. Moving ahead, we will explore NumPy basics and various operations in NumPy. We will also get a hang of what Pandas is and how to write, read and perform other operations on data in Pandas. Further, we will discover the world of data wrangling and data visualization

By the end of the course, you will have mastered the art of coding in Jupyter Notebook. You will also have a very good understanding of data wrangling and data visualization.

The necessary resources for this course are in the "Resources" section of Video 1.1. You can also access them through this direct link -

What You Will Learn

  • Introduction to data analytics. How data analytics helps in sorting modern data problems?
  • Coding like a pro in Jupyter Notebook
  • What is NumPy and how to perform operations in NumPy.
  • What is Pandas and data manipulation in pandas
  • Master data wrangling and visualization techniques.

Program Curriculum

  • What is Data Analysis and Why is it Important?
  • The Tool and the Target Audience
  • $7 Million Cybersecurity Scholarship by EC-Council
  • Chapter 1 Quiz

  • Downloading Anaconda
  • Working with Jupyter Notebooks
  • Installing Required Packages
  • Chapter 2 Quiz

  • NumPy Basics
  • Stacking and Subsetting NumPy Arrays
  • Math and Matrix Operations in NumPy
  • Chapter 3 Quiz

  • Reading and Writing Data in Pandas
  • Subsetting and Sorting Data
  • Deleting and Summarizing Data
  • Chapter 4 Quiz

  • Data Wrangling - Basics
  • Data Wrangling - Advanced
  • Data Visualisation
  • Chapter 5 Quiz
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Ankit Shukla

Ankit Shukla is a self-taught data scientist working in the data space since 2014. He is well versed in deep learning, machine learning and Big Data technologies and holds a bachelor’s in engineering from Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra with a major in Biotechnology. His focus areas include Predictive Modelling, Recommender Systems and Natural Language Processing. He is deeply passionate about data science and is always on a look out to give back to the community. His other published works include a paper on developing an enterprise recommender system, 2 papers on Generative Adversarial Networks and the book - Big Data Analysis with Python.

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