Course Overview

If you want to learn how to program with Python 3 and Pandas you will LOVE this course! This course is designed for complete beginners with little to no understanding of programming and will give you the knowledge to get started coding using Python 3 and Pandas.

We will start with learning about the history of python, basic syntaxes, commands, and variables included in python, and also discover how to work with Jupyter Notebook. We will also get to know about NumPy, Nd-arrays, and data visualization techniques, Further, we will get a hang of the basics of Pandas, Pandas CSV, and JSON Object.

By the end of the course, you will have a good understanding of the Python language, and how to code with it. You will also have a command of the basics of visualization and Pandas.

What You Will Learn

  • Learn about History of Python
  • its basics
  • and Jupyter Notebook
  • Get to know various array manipulation routines and Nd-arrays
  • What Pandas data library is and how to work with it

Program Curriculum

  • Python Programming Language History and Usage
  • Windows Setup
  • Python 3 on Linux (Debian based Raspberry Pi OS)
  • Python 3 Interpreter Mode
  • Creating and Running Our First Python Script
  • PyPI and Pip
  • Introduction to Jupyter Notebook
  • Lists in Python
  • $7 Million Cybersecurity Scholarship by EC-Council
  • Chapter 1 Quiz

  • Introduction to NumPy and N-Dimensional Arrays
  • Creating ND Arrays and Data Visualization with Matplotlib
  • Array Manipulation Routines
  • More Array Manipulation Routines
  • Chapter 2 Quiz

  • Introduction to Pandas Data Library
  • Dataframe
  • Pandas CSV
  • Reading Data from a JSON Object
  • Chapter 3 Quiz


Ashwin Pajankar

Ashwin Pajankar is a Science Popularizer, a Programmer, a Maker, and an Author. He holds a Master of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering from International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad (IIIT-H). Ashwin has published more than a dozen of books on Python Programming, Test Automation, Raspberry Pi, Computer Vision, Arduino, and Supercomputing with reputed global publishers like Packt, Apress, Leanpub, and BPB. He has earned many professional certifications in the areas of development, administration, and testing from Oracle, IBM, Informatica, Teradata, and ISTQB. He has over a decade of work experience in a few big brands like Cisco Systems and Cognizant in technical roles. He also has worked in a couple of startups in technical leadership roles.

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