Course Overview

Do you want to become an ethical hacker or strengthen your hacking skills? Are you interested in using Ruby to hack into multi-purpose corporate systems and web applications? Then, you need this course now to learn how to perform ethical hacking on Ruby apps using Ruby code. Most people starting in the cybersecurity field spend an inordinate amount of time doing tasks manually. While it’s great for learning what’s happening behind the scenes at the beginning, it quickly becomes a burden and a waste of effort. It makes you reach the cap of your daily possibilities, and you stop progressing because all your time is consumed doing repetitive chores over and over.

Mastering a multipurpose programming language like Ruby is the key to success in becoming an efficient and skilled hacker. It allows addressing issues in a more targeted manner, saving time by automating recurring tasks, feeling more talented, having a better understanding of the mechanisms, and precisely controlling what you are doing. With the increasing use of Ruby in web development, it is essential to learn how to identify and exploit the common vulnerabilities found in Ruby apps and systems. This course offers a timely solution to the problem by providing you with the necessary skills to perform vulnerability scanning and reverse engineering of Ruby on Rails applications. With the increasing use of Ruby in web development, it is essential to learn how to identify and exploit the common vulnerabilities found in Ruby apps and systems. As you near the conclusion, you’ll learn how to hack web services and APIs using Ruby and how to exploit Ruby on Rails apps with Metasploit. The course will end with a look at how to document your findings from your ethical hacking exercise as well as some of the best security practices for Ruby apps.

Ideally, you have a bit of experience in ethical hacking and have basics in Ruby or another object-oriented programming language like Python or Perl. Rest assured, you don’t need years of professional experience or to be an expert to start this course. By the end of this course, you’ll have all the skills needed to perform ethical hacking on Ruby apps using the Ruby code. Don’t let your life be a boring routine, learn Ruby and make it an exciting hacking journey. Never be blocked from facing insurmountable problems again.

The necessary resources for this course are in the "Resources" section of Video 1.1. You can also access them through this direct link -

What You Will Learn

  • Learn to hack websites
  • network protocols and systems with Ruby.
  • Learn to perform XSS attack using Ruby and how to perform command injection attack on Ruby on Rails apps using Ruby.
  • Learn how to easily plug with various cybersecurity related APIs and services using Ruby.
  • Resolve unique technical challenges with the help of Ruby.
  • Familiarize with existing open source infosec Ruby tools and libraries.

Program Curriculum

  • File Manipulation
  • Command Execution
  • Interact with Files in the /etc Directory on Unix Systems
  • String Conversion / Encoding
  • $7 Million Cybersecurity Scholarship by EC-Council
  • Chapter 1 Quiz

  • Databases
  • Browser Instrumentation
  • SQL and NoSQL Injection
  • Interacting with APIs
  • Creating a Burp Suite Extension
  • Web Server
  • Web Fuzzing
  • Targeting Ruby on Rails & Brakeman Usage
  • Bonus: URL Encoding / Decoding & HTML Escaping / Unescaping
  • Chapter 2 Quiz


Alexandre ZANNI

Alexandre ZANNI is a French professional Penetration Testing Engineer (a.k.a. a Pentester) who has been working in the pentest and information security audit field for many years. Hacking web applications, and internal infrastructure including Linux and Windows servers as well as network equipment in Microsoft Active Directory environment is his daily routine. He’s also known for his Research and Development (R&D) work, publishing many articles, write-ups, tools, exploits, and projects in the offensive security area. For years, Alexandre (also known by the pseudo noraj) has been a proficient contributor to the open-source infosec community, either by sharing his own tools or my committing to PayloadsAllTheThings, HackTricks, Retire.js, SecLists, some ProjectDiscovery projects, etc. Furthermore, he has the OSCP and OSWE certifications. He is also a BlackArch Linux staff member, maintaining the distribution and frequently packaging new tools. Not only that, but he created a website from scratch called Rawsec’s CyberSecurity Inventory indexing thousands of tools and resources related to cybersecurity.

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