Course Overview
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Program Curriculum
Alexandre ZANNI
Alexandre ZANNI is a French professional Penetration Testing Engineer (a.k.a. a Pentester) who has been working in the pentest and information security audit field for many years. Hacking web applications, and internal infrastructure including Linux and Windows servers as well as network equipment in Microsoft Active Directory environment is his daily routine. He’s also known for his Research and Development (R&D) work, publishing many articles, write-ups, tools, exploits, and projects in the offensive security area. For years, Alexandre (also known by the pseudo noraj) has been a proficient contributor to the open-source infosec community, either by sharing his own tools or my committing to PayloadsAllTheThings, HackTricks, Retire.js, SecLists, some ProjectDiscovery projects, etc. Furthermore, he has the OSCP and OSWE certifications. He is also a BlackArch Linux staff member, maintaining the distribution and frequently packaging new tools. Not only that, but he created a website from scratch called Rawsec’s CyberSecurity Inventory indexing thousands of tools and resources related to cybersecurity.
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