Course Overview

If you want to get started with Git and GitHub, then this course is for you. 

In this course, you will learn about the basics of Git and GitHub. Then you will learn how to install Git on Windows and Mac devices. Moving ahead, you will learn how to create a repository on GitHub. Further, in this course, you will learn the advantages and importance of Git branches. Lastly, you will perform file check-in and resolve merge conflicts with real-time examples.

By the end, you will have a basic understanding of Git and GitHub. 

What You Will Learn

  • Learn the basics of Git.
  • Learn the basics of GitHub
  • Learn how to install Git on Windows.
  • Learn how to install Git on Mac.
  • Learn how to create local Git repository.

Program Curriculum

  • Git and GitHub Introduction
  • Git Installation on Windows
  • Git Installation on mac
  • Create Local Git Repository - Staging and Commit
  • File Check-in - GitHub Remote Repository
  • Advantages and Importance of Git Branches
  • Course Code Files on GitHub
  • $7 Million Cybersecurity Scholarship by EC-Council


Lets Kode It

Let's Kode It, we are here with a mission to have everyone learn a new skill and find themselves doing what they always wanted to do. Whether it be programming or creating a professional looking MS Word document. When talking about programming, we believe anyone can code and coding is not something out of this world. Coding can be of different types and in different area, some may want to become a web developer where it's more of front-end languages, some choose to become a back-end developer, while some choose to become testers with automation hands on where the domain is completely different from development. We believe what it needs to learn something is only willingness to learn and everything else comes along with it. We are a group of software professionals with more than 10 years of expertise in different areas of the software industries. We excel from software inception to implementation. Our goal is to offer high quality technology courses which suits newbie as well as an intermediate. We focus on the technology which are essential to perform in today's job market. Our instructors are master’s graduates from reputable universities. Our instructors have over 10 years of industrial experience and work as team leaders in multinational companies. They have expertise in various fields of SDLC from application development, testing to system administration.

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