Course Overview

Traditionally, reverse engineering has been done using familiar tools such as x64dbg, OllyDbg and IDA. This course will introduce you to another powerful tool commonly used in in-game hacking - called Cheat Engine (CE).? This tool will allow you to modify in-game Health, Ammo, Position and more. 

In this course, it?will take you by the hand as a complete beginner to become familiar with what is game hacking and reverse engineering. You will learn the difference between memory values vs. pointers, data structures, how to scan memory to tamper with it to become invincible plus have unlimited ammo, create Cheat Tables (shareable hacks), pointer scanning, writing scripts to inject code into process memory and more.

By the end of this course, you should be able to apply your basic skills to hack an open-source free game called Assault Cube - a 3D First Person Shooter (FPS) game. I?have chosen this game because, it can be used as a standalone game - where you play against bots - and also because the game is totally?free? and open source?- and is the standard game to use when first learning game hacking.

What You Will Learn

  • Learn how to get started with Cheat Engine.
  • Learn how to hack a process memory.
  • Explore how to find variables and pointers in memory.
  • Learn to use data structures to hack health and ammo.
  • Discover writing scripts to inject code to reload ammo.
  • Get a solid foundation in memory hacking.
  • Find out how to perform Array of Bytes (AOB) injection.
  • Gain knowledge on using Freeze method to verify memory addresses.
  • Find out how to use inline assembly (code caves) to inject code into process memory.
  • Understand Basic Assembly Language.
  • Determine how to use Range of Module Address and Offset Parameters to optimize pointer scans.
  • Learn to create Cheat Tables for Teleporting.

Program Curriculum

  • Installing Cheat Engine
  • $7 Million Cybersecurity Scholarship by EC-Council

Chapter 2

How to Scan Memory Address for Health and Modify It

Memory Scanning for Ammo and the Freeze Technique

  • Introduction to Pointers and Data Structures
  • Difference Between Dynamic & Static Addresses - Why We Need Pointers

Finding Static Addresses Using Pointers and Data Structures

Introduction to Pointers Scanning

Using Pointer Scan to Find the Health Static Addresses

Introduction to Code Injection & Assembly Editing

Writing Scripts to Inject Code

  • Differentiate Players vs. Enemies When Writing Scripts by Using Commonality Scans
  • Using Stacks to Preserve Data

3D Coordinate System and How to Scan for Unknown Values

Teleporting: Pointer Scanning & Freeze Method to Find Address for Z Coordinate

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Paul Chin

Paul Chin is a semi-retired college lecturer with more than 20 years’ experience in teaching computing and information technology. His interests range from reversing, coding to graphics design, apps, games development, music, health, spirituality, and well-being. In his spare time, he also plays the piano and keyboard. He enjoys teaching face-to-face and online and also loves educating and inspiring others to succeed and live the life of their dreams.

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