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Imran Afzal
Imran Afzal has over 20 years of experience in Systems administration & engineering, leadership, entrepreneurship, teaching, and public speaking. Currently, Imran manages a team of 58+ systems engineers, administrators, and team lead globally. He started his career with Time Warner (New York City) in 2000 as a systems administrator. That is where he began his career in IT. He has utilized IT skills in many fortune 500 companies such as financial firms, fashion industries, tech media industry, etc. He spearheaded projects like datacenter migration, introduction and deployment of VMWare, monitoring tools implementation, Amazon cloud migration, and many more. Imran earned his bachelor’s in Computer Information Systems from Baruch College, the City University of New York as an honor student. He earned his MBA from the New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) in operation management and IT. Some of his certifications are in Linux Systems Management, UNIX Operating Systems, Linux System Administration, System Internals, VMWare Certified Professional, RHCSA, and Windows Server Certified Imran has been teaching since 2010 and provides onsite and online training on many IT subjects. He has the best selling and highest-rated online courses with 250,000+ students worldwide. He has helped almost 1000+ students to land the job of their dream in IT. He believes in education and giving back. He also established a non-profit school for children from pre-K till 10th grade.
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