Course Overview

HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications.  Learning how to write HTML code is essential to anyone who wants to create online content and the starting point for web page creation.  CSS and JavaScript rely on HTML structure in order to provide styling and interactivity within web pages.

HTML is the fabric of the web; all online content is built upon HTML.  Once you start learning about HTML you will be amazed at how easy it is to write and how quickly you too will be able to build web pages.

HTML elements are the building blocks of HTML pages.  This course will introduce you to the core fundamentals of HTML elements and show you how to use them to create web pages. Learning how to use HTML opens the door for so much more. 

Explore how you can create HTML to create structured documents using structural semantics for text such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, quotes, and other items.  Create website content for modern web design, and build HTML to be ready for the real world.

Course covers:

Learn to build web content from scratch

See the tools and resources used to create HTML files

Learn HTML and how it works with CSS

Source code is provided so you can use, and tweak it as needed

HTML in the real world presented by an instructor with over 15 years of experience in web development.  

This course is the perfect starting point for getting started with HTML.

What You Will Learn

  • Write HTML code
  • Create online content
  • Build web pages

Program Curriculum

  • Introduction to HTML
  • What is HTML?
  • HTML Page Structure and Template
  • Heading in HTML Foundations for HTML Structure
  • HTML Content Formatting
  • HTML Building Tips
  • Introduction to CSS Styling
  • Divs Spans Styling Help
  • Hyperlinking with Anchors
  • Adding Images into HTML Pages
  • HTML List Types
  • HTML Tables and Styling
  • Semantic Tags HTML5
  • Creating an HTML Form
  • Make a Form Using HTML5
  • HTML5 Form Types
  • Tweaks Attributes for Form Building
  • HTML Tips
  • $7 Million Cybersecurity Scholarship by EC-Council


Laurence Svekis

An experienced web application developer, having worked on multiple enterprise-level applications, hundreds of websites, business solutions and many unique and innovative web applications. Web application development areas of expertise include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, PHP, and MySQL. Anything to do with web creation and digital experience. Passionate about everything to do with web application development, programming to online marketing with a strong focus on social media and SEO. Understanding technology provides a means to better connect with users. It also opens so many doors. Knowledge is the key to success, and I want to help you experience what technology has to offer. I'm passionate about web technologies and look forward to sharing my knowledge and experience with you!

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