Course Overview

Google Apps Script is a rapid application development platform that makes it fast and easy to create business applications that integrate with G Suite. Explore how you can start using Google Apps Script to run code to make things happen within Google Suite of Apps. 

The course covers the following regarding Apps Script and how to use it:

  1. Apply JavaScript methods within Apps Script like date
  2. Create a document using script - add contenat to the document
  3. Create a Spreadsheet using the script
  4. Get object info like ID and URL
  5. Using session to get active user email address
  6. Using Mail Service to send emails via script
  7. DocumentApp and accessing updating existing docs by id
  8. SpreadsheetApp and accessing data contained in existing sheets
  9. Bound script in Docs and Sheets
  10. How to add UI menu items?
  11. Running script functions from UI menu tab
  12. Creating UI alerts
  13. UI prompts to get user input and data
  14. Active document get cursor location
  15. Creating a new sheet using a script
  16. Updating and copying sheet data selected by the user

What You Will Learn

  • Learn about Google Apps Script and how to apply it
  • Learn how to edit and create Google Scripts
  • Learn about Gsuite of applications with Google Apps Script

Program Curriculum

  • Google Script Setup
  • Get Coding Google Apps Script
  • Create Google Files
  • Create Spreadsheet Add Content
  • Send an Email Google Script
  • DocumentApp Class
  • Update Element Text
  • Get Update Spreadsheet
  • Bound Script UI Alert
  • Bound Script UI Prompt
  • ActiveDocument Cursor
  • ActiveSpreadsheet
  • Copy Sheet Data to New Sheet
  • Conclusion Apps Script
  • $7 Million Cybersecurity Scholarship by EC-Council


Laurence Svekis

An experienced web application developer, having worked on multiple enterprise-level applications, hundreds of websites, business solutions and many unique and innovative web applications. Web application development areas of expertise include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, PHP, and MySQL. Anything to do with web creation and digital experience. Passionate about everything to do with web application development, programming to online marketing with a strong focus on social media and SEO. Understanding technology provides a means to better connect with users. It also opens so many doors. Knowledge is the key to success, and I want to help you experience what technology has to offer. I'm passionate about web technologies and look forward to sharing my knowledge and experience with you!

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