Course Overview

SQL (or Structured Query Language) is a powerful programming language that is used to communicate with and extract various insights from databases. SQL is an essential tool in a data scientist's toolbox since it is critical in accessing, updating, inserting, manipulating, and modifying Data.  

 There are some variants in SQL   such as MYSQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Oracle, SQLite, etc. I will be using MySQL during the course as it is the first choice for any web-based projects which require a database for Data Transactions because of its ease of use and speed.

In this course, you will be learning core concepts of databases, SQL programming for handling data in databases with a focus on data science, and some advanced SQL techniques.

This course is all about learning SQL to create databases, extract useful insights, prepare complex queries, prepare reports and dashboards, and practice working on real-world projects.

The necessary resources for this course are in the "Resources" section of Video 1.1. You can also access them through this direct link -

What You Will Learn

  • Prepare the Database
  • Basic SQL syntax to extract meaningful data from databases
  • Advanced SQL syntax like Grouping
  • Subqueries and Aggregate Functions to extract new features from the Data and communicate better with the stakeholders.
  • Understand basic Database terminology to ace a SQL interview
  • Perform small SQL exercise after each section to practice SQL queries
  • Perform database connections using Python and SQL
  • the 2 most in demand programming languages for a data professional

Program Curriculum

  • Installation and Setup
  • $7 Million Cybersecurity Scholarship by EC-Council

  • What is a Database?
  • Types of Databases and Relational Database Concepts
  • SQL Commands
  • Data Types
  • Primary and Foreign Key Constraints
  • Introduction to Normalization
  • Chapter 2 Quiz

  • Introduction
  • Create a Table
  • Alter a Table
  • Drop a Table
  • Insert Statements
  • Select Data
  • Select Comparison Operator
  • Select Logical Operator
  • Update Delete
  • Chapter 3 Quiz

  • Introduction 
  • String Functions
  • Date, Month and Year Function
  • Aggregate Functions
  • Group Data Using Group by and Having Clauses
  • SQL Syntax: CASE () and Limit ()
  • Introducing Subqueries 
  • SQL Joins
  • Chapter 4 Quiz

  • Introduction
  • Introduction to Anaconda
  • Working with CSV File
  • Python and MYSQL Connection
  • Data Visualization
  • Chapter 5 Quiz


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Oindrila Sen

Oindrila Sen data enthusiast who has 10+ years of experience in analyzing, visualizing and working with Data. She is a Data Scientist who is currently working on a Customer Retention project for her client. She works in collecting, cleaning, extracting new features and Visualizing Text Data to get an insight. She also publishes her work on different platforms. She is passionate about Data and NLP since a text can tell you a whole new story.

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