Course Overview

With the advance in cyber-attacks, organizations’ data and intellectual properties are always at stake, thus they need to have the ability to rapidly detect and respond to threats. The enterprise should be able to analyze the loopholes from where the attacker can intrude and mitigate them by causing less damage. Therefore, building an incident response system is of utmost importance.

This course will teach you about the IT infrastructure of an enterprise and how to define and recognize common security risks, vulnerabilities, and threats. Then you will be acquainted with various incident response policies and the role of the incident response manager. You will learn how to develop three important protection plans for incident response: a business impact analysis (BIA), a business continuity plan (BCP), and a disaster recovery plan (DRP).

In the next phase, you will learn about the process of implementing incident response including the threat landscape, targeted attack life cycle, initial attack vectors used by different threat actors, and phases of an effective incident response process. You will successfully be able to investigate the entire environment (including metadata, registry, event logs, services, persistence mechanisms, and artifacts of execution) at scale for signs of compromise. You will know the types of malicious software, network attacks, client-side attacks, and the essential security terms used in the workplace. Next, you will be able to understand concepts related to identifying forensics and in-depth analysis of the lateral movement of a cyber-attack. In the end, you will be able to develop an incident mitigation and recovery plan for continuous improvement.

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to implement a full-fledged incident response mechanism to defend against any sort of cyber-attack.  

What You Will Learn

  • Learn about Incident Response Plan
  • Explore NIST Cybersecurity Framework and SANS Incident Response
  • Learn how to define assets
  • Understand Security Operations and other Security teams
  • Learn about Disaster recovery and how to recover from security incidents

Program Curriculum

  • Incident Response Plan
  • What Is Incident Response?
  • $7 Million Cybersecurity Scholarship by EC-Council
  • Chapter 1 Quiz

  • NIST Cybersecurity Framework
  • SANS Incident Response
  • Chapter 2 Quiz

  • Intro
  • High-value Assets
  • Chapter 3 Quiz

  • Security Teams
  • Chapter 4 Quiz

  • Prepare for a Security Incident
  • Chapter 5 Quiz

  • Reviewing Disaster Recovery
  • Chapter 6 Quiz

  • What are Insider Threats?
  • Chapter 7 Quiz

  • Common Indicators of Compromise to Hunt for During an Investigation
  • Chapter 8 Quiz
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Mark Murphy

Mark Murphy works as a Security Engineer at Cyderes. Before that, he spent years in various analyst and consultant roles. He has experience developing enterprise incident response plans for Fortune 500 companies, investigating global incidents, and leading global incident response efforts. He has a bachelor’s degree in IT Network Management and two master's Degrees: one in Information Security management and the other in Digital Forensics. He also holds a number of professional certifications and has experience teaching at different colleges and universities.

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