Course Overview

Infrastructure automation is a must in order to save time and bring efficiency to your organization, and in order to achieve that we use a plethora of tools/scripts however who validates what has been written is production proof or not? The DevOps who wrote the code does that on its own? This has been the ideal practice. However, in this course, we would take you through the principles of Testing in the Infrastructure world and make you aware of how you could get your infrastructure tested before deploying on production.

We would start with the fundamentals of Infrastructure testing; we will try to learn from a few of the recent examples where security breaches could have been avoided if there were proper security/infra testing in place.

We would then move on to learning about an open-source testing tool called Inspec by a company called chef where we would write a bunch of tests in ruby, iterating through our resources on Azure like storage account, and key vault. We would also automate the entire process by integrating the variables with Terraform output.

In the third module we would kick start testing in Golang with the help of a tool called Terratest which is a Go library that provides patterns and helper functions for testing infrastructure, with 1st-class support for Terraform, Packer, Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, GCP, and more, in this section we would start from scratch writing out the first test for Azure resources using Golang.

And by the end we would understand how monitoring in the cloud is different from conventional monitoring set up on-premises, we will also learn about using APIs to automate alerts.

What You Will Learn

  • Get to know about Infrastructure Testing and why should you care about it.
  • Unit Testing in the Infrastructure world.
  • Learn to use Terratest to test your Terraform code.
  • Use a generic tool like ChefInspec for testing and auditing your infrastructure
  • Run test independent of your environment be on cloud or locally
  • Discover how to set up a robust monitoring solution for your infrastructure deployed in the cloud.

Program Curriculum

  • Introduction to Infrastructure Testing
  • Continuous Delivery as a Culture
  • Build Infrastructure on Azure to Test
  • $7 Million Cybersecurity Scholarship by EC-Council
  • Chapter 1 Quiz

  • Introduction to Chef InSpec
  • Write Test for Storage Account Using the Azure API’s
  • Write Test Files to Test Virtual Machine Creation on Azure, Automate Using Terraform Variables
  • InSpec Shell
  • Chapter 2 Quiz

  • Introduction and Setup Terratest on Your Local Environment
  • Write Our Hello World First Test in GO
  • Validate Infrastructure with Terratest for Virtual Machine, Storage Account, and Resource Group
  • Chapter 3 Quiz

  • Observability via OpenTelemetry
  • Azure Application Insights
  • Azure Monitor Alerts
  • Chapter 4 Quiz


Shantanu Das

Infrastructure Consultant

Shantanu Das is a seasoned author for many DevOps courses like Puppet, Microservices, Terraform & Azure DevOps. He has a worked as a Site Reliability Engineer with solid hands-on experience in Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure technologies in Cloud/DevOps practice, architecting solutions along with migrating, managing supporting enterprise suite of applications. He has helped fortune 500 companies in automating build and deployments of code which needs to be shipped to different environments. Also, he has experience in hosting and supporting dockerized applications via Kubernetes on GCP, support Google managed Hadoop/data proc clusters along with ETL solutions built on top of Airflow backed by Hive and MySQL DB.

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