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Hossein Seyedagha
Hossein Seyedagha is a Senior Power BI consultant and data analyst with a strong background in statistics and biostatistics. He has worked with SAS and R, which are powerful statistical programming languages, and has been very deep into Excel and worked with various functions, graphs, and macros. He is specialized in People Analytics and delivered 10+ solutions throughout the last 2 years to medium to large organizations from 3K to 24K employees in diversified industries, including banking, tourism, pharmaceutical manufacturing and sales, insurance, retail, and transportation & shipping. Diversity analysis, recruitment analysis, pay gap analysis, what-if scenario in HR, training-performance correlation analysis, termination analysis, and termination prediction are some of the reports that I’ve developed through the past 2 years. He works with Power BI for 8-10 hours a day. He is specialized in using DAX Studio and Tabular Editor along with Power BI throughout the development process. He has Power BI expertise in data visualization, DAX, field parameters, calculation groups, and conditional formatting. He is interested in integrating R within Power BI and adding statistical analysis to Power BI reports. Specialized in Visualization, he loves creating app-like interactive dashboards & reports in Power BI, with a heavy emphasis on data visualization. You can check out some of his Power BI reports here:\
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