Course Overview

This course Is for Python beginners as well as intermediate Python developers who want to create real-world applications/projects using Python programming language. Python is a programming language with many characteristics, such as an intuitive syntax and powerful data structures, which can lead to efficient code. Python is an incredibly powerful and popular programming language. It's one of the most popular programming languages in the world and has been used in many high-profile projects. It's no wonder that this, as well as experienced developers, are benefitting. 

In this course, you'll explore 20+ real-world Python projects. You'll see how to tackle common issues such as reading and writing files, manipulating and analyzing data, creating and using functions, organizing code into modules and packages, working with dates and times, interacting with databases, and building user interfaces. 

By the end of this course, you'll have the skills and knowledge to tackle projects of your own. 

What You Will Learn

  • Learn the basics of Python
  • Explore PRO Python Tricks and Tips
  • Gain knowledge on 20+ real and useful Python Application
  • Learn To Create Own Projects with Python

Program Curriculum

  • Development Environment Setup
  • $7 Million Cybersecurity Scholarship by EC-Council

  • What is Python?
  • Python Basics
  • Message

  • ScreenShot App
  • ScreenShot GUI

Password Generator

Email Sender

Speed Test

Covid-19 Updater Bot

OCR - Image to Text

Chrome Automation

Text to Speech

Speech to Text

WebCam App

Screen Recorder

Face Detection

Weather App

URL Shortener

Awesome Project 1

Load more modules


Arbaz Khan

Arbaz Khan, a Computer Science Engineer has experience in IoT, Python, Data Science, and learning New Technologies. Also, he is good at C, C++, JAVA. He loves to Automate things like Home Automation and other tasks using Python Programming Language. He is also running his own startup named GetSetCode where they are working on innovative real-time projects related to AI, ML, IOT, Automation, and Robotics.

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