Course Overview

This course is designed for system administrators and IT professionals seeking to improve their Ansible playbook skills with a focus on cross-platform automation, debugging techniques, and security best practices. Whether managing Linux, Windows, or Suse-like systems, this course will help you automate critical tasks with precision. 

This course begins with automating tasks on Debian-like systems, such as installing packages, performing rolling updates, configuring firewalls, and deploying Apache web servers. It also covers package installation and web server deployment on Suse-like systems using Zypper. The Windows section dives deep into configuring Windows hosts for Ansible, testing host availability, and managing tasks like installing software, manipulating files and directories, and performing rolling updates. You'll also learn to work with Windows registries, manage local users and groups, and back up files using Robocopy. 

By the end of this course, you will confidently debug Ansible playbooks and automate secure configurations across various operating systems for efficient, secure environments. 

What You Will Learn

  • Master Ansible Playbooks for managing packages
  • web servers
  • and firewalls on Debian/SUSE.
  • Automate Windows tasks like software installs
  • file transfers
  • and user management with Ansible.
  • Enhance security by automating firewall setups
  • updates
  • and reboots on Linux and Windows.
  • Debug and troubleshoot Ansible playbooks efficiently for reliable automation processes.

Program Curriculum

  • Install a Package in Debian-like Systems - Ansible Module apt
  • Rolling Update Debian-like Systems - Ansible Module apt
  • Open Firewall Ports in Debian-like Systems - Ansible Module ufw
  • Install Google Chrome in Debian-like Systems - Ansible Module apt_key, apt_repos
  • Install Microsoft Edge in Debian-like Systems - Ansible Module apt_key, apt_repo
  • Deploy a Web Server apache httpd on Debian-like systems - Ansible Modules apt, c
  • Deploy a Web Server apache httpd Virtual Host on Debian-like systems - Ansible m
  • Chapter 1 Quiz

  • Install a Package in Suse-like Systems - Ansible Module Zypper
  • Install Google Chrome in Suse-like Systems - Ansible Module rpm_key, zypper_repo
  • Chapter 2 Quiz

  • Configure a Windows Host for Ansible - Ansible winrm
  • Test Windows Host Availability - Ansible Module win_ping
  • Create an Empty File in Windows-like Systems - Ansible Module win_File
  • Check if a File Exists on Windows-like Systems - Ansible Module win_stat
  • Install Windows Software - Ansible Module win_chocolatey
  • Copy Files to Windows Remote Hosts - Local to Remote - Ansible Module win_copy
  • Copy Files from Windows Remote Hosts - Ansible Module fetch
  • Reboot Windows Hosts - Ansible Module win_reboot
  • Install Google Chrome in Windows-like Systems - Ansible Module win_chocolatey
  • Extract an Archive in Windows-like Systems - Ansible Module win_unzip
  • Download a File in Windows-like Systems - Ansible Module win_get_url
  • Create a Directory on Windows-like systems?-?Ansible Module win_file
  • Check if a Directory Exists on Windows-like systems - Ansible Module stat
  • Check Registry .NET Framework Version on Windows-like Systems - Ansible Module w
  • Rolling Update Windows-like Systems - Ansible Module win_updates
  • Add Windows Registry on Windows-like Systems - Ansible Module win_regedit
  • Remove Windows Registry Path or Ley on Windows-like Systems?-?Ansible Module win
  • Create a Local Group on Windows-like Systems - Ansible Module win_group
  • Remove a Local Group on Windows-like Systems - Ansible Module win_group
  • Create a Local User on Windows-like Systems - Ansible Module win_user
  • Remove a Local User on Windows-like Systems?-?Ansible Module win_user
  • Change Local User password on Windows-like Systems - Ansible Module win_user
  • Backup with Robocopy on Windows - Ansible Module win_robocopy
  • Ansible Modules -?win_command vs. win_shell
  • Chapter 3 Quiz


Luca Berton

Luca has been 14 years in the IT market with a technical background and people in mind. His strengths are Ansible automation, GNU/Linux, and cloud computing. He is a certified Red Hat System Administrator. He likes to teach and move your skills to the next level! He tries to automate as many things as possible because he considers himself a lazy person. He is a freelancer Consultant with 18 years of experience in leading cross-functional teams to deliver innovative AI and cloud solutions. He has expertise in driving technological strategies that align with business objectives and mentoring teams to achieve operational excellence. Luca has authored industry-recognized books and courses on AI, Kubernetes, and Ansible, establishing thought leadership in DevOps and cloud technologies. His track record of delivering future-proof solutions and my expertise in cutting-edge technologies position your organization for success.

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