Course Overview
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Program Curriculum
Mehmet Özkaya
Mehmet Özkaya has 15+ years hands-on experience in Microsoft .NET Development. Experience in Web Application Development using C#, .NET Core, ASP.NET/MVC/ASP.NET Core, JavaScript, Angular, TypeScript. He has a strong experience in designing and implementing RESTful APIs JSON design, SOAP Web Services using WCF, and ASP.NET Core Web API. Excellent knowledge of Object-Oriented Design and Development, SOLID principles, DDD, Design Patterns, SOA, TDD and Unit Testing. He has a strong experience using Web Front End Technologies such as DOM, HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, JSON, JQuery, and TypeScript. Also,experience using ORM tools such as Entity Framework Core, NHibernate, and Dapper. He has a strong experience of Distributed Software Architecture and Messaging Technologies in Microservices Architecture, API Gateways (Orleans), BDD, DDD/CQRS patterns, Distributed Message Broker Service Bus Applications (MQTT, AMQT, MassTransit, RabbitMQ, Azure Service Bus), Event Sourcing, Cloud Computing Architectures, IAAS platforms (AWS, Azure), Application Containerization, and Docker. Using Distributed Caching and Related Open-Source Tools such as Redis, Camunda, Castle Windsor, AutoMapper, Log4Net.
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