Course Overview

Over the past couple years, Linux malware has been on the rise . This has created a greater interest in studying and analyzing such threats against Linux platforms . This course aims to equip you with the knowledge to not only emulate such threats, but also be in a better position to detect and mitigate them from your Linux environments . 

This course will take you through developing your very own Linux malware with capabilities like executing shell commands, file transfer and taking screenshots . You will also learn how to achieve persistence in Linux . Finally, we will create our own custom server using the Python programming language . The server is what we will be using to interact with the malware on the target system . 

That makes the course therefore relevant to both?red teamers?and?blue teamers . System administrators?will also benefit from the course . Red teamers will be better equipped to emulate such threats against Linux environments, while blue teamers and system administrators alike will be in a better position to detect and properly respond to such threats . 

Also, if you are a software engineer interested in more hands-on learning about the programming language, this course will definitely help you with that. Python is also used, and this makes the course also suit python programming enthusiasts.

What You Will Learn

  • Develop undetectable Linux malware.
  • Develop software using the Go programming language.
  • Understand the internals of modern Linux malware.
  • Understand network programming using Go and Python.

Program Curriculum

  • Demo of the Finished Project
  • $7 Million Cybersecurity Scholarship by EC-Council

Environment Setup

  • Project Setup
  • Connecting to C2 Server
  • Receiving Incoming Commands
  • Sending Back Response
  • Closing/Terminating the Connection
  • Changing Directories
  • File Transfer
  • Uploading File to Machine
  • Downloading File from Machine
  • Minor Bug Fixes
  • Taking a Screenshot
  • Achieving Persistence
  • Executing Shell Commands
  • Testing with Netcat
  • Chapter 3 Quiz

  • Project Setup
  • Creating a Listener
  • Accepting Incoming Connections
  • Loop to Receive Attacker's Commands
  • Handling the q/quit Command
  • Receiving and Saving Screenshot
  • File Download
  • File Upload
  • Shell Commands
  • Testing with Our RAT
  • Chapter 4 Quiz

Next Steps

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Nemuel Wainaina

Nemuel is a security researcher with over 4 years of tinkering with computers and electronics. Having developed an interest in hacking at the young age of 14, he has quickly been able to learn and dive deeper into advanced concepts of exploit and malware development. He has got to develop a variety of security tools ranging from simple keyloggers to advanced proof-of-concept malware like ransomware and spyware for Linux platforms. Besides cyber security, Nemuel is a software engineer with a focus on designing and building maintainable and scalable backend systems mainly using the Go programming language.

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