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Cristian Vergara
Cristian is a Cloud Evangelist with more than 14 years of experience in the field. He started his career in the Open-source space working with technologies like Checkpoint. McAfee and Red Hat Enterprise Linux. After a couple of years, he started to work for a Microsoft Partner and since then he has been working mainly with the Microsoft Stack. Over the last seven years, Cristian has had the opportunity to work as an Architect on challenging projects related to Azure and Microsoft 365. He is a huge fan of Technical Certifications as a great way to learn and keep up with the rapid evolving pace of Cloud Technologies nowadays. Cristian holds several certifications including ITIL and TOGAF certifications. Passionate about learning new things every day, he thinks that the best way of gaining new knowledge is by teaching, he loves to share his acquired skills either in an in-person or virtual class. On 2019 he joined the distinguished Technical Trainer team at Microsoft. Cristian has been a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) since 2011 and has had the opportunity to contribute back to the Canadian community as an MCT Regional Lead between 2016-2019.
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