Course Overview

Many developers, at the start of their career, know how to write code but not how to avoid security flaws in their code and end up writing poor quality code with security loopholes in them such as SQL Injections, etc. This will in turn lead to a codebase that has a lot of security issues and thus poses a great risk to your organization’s assets as these issues can easily be exploited by hackers to steal data and wreak havoc.

This course will teach you about the various types of attack strategies that hackers utilize to penetrate a product, how to avoid security flaws in your code with ruby on rails as an example, build security solutions from scratch such as advanced rate limiters and guide you in mastering the art of writing secure code.

The concepts you learn in this course will help you throughout your journey as a developer to help write secure code and develop a solid product for your organization that is resilient in terms of security.

Towards the end of the course, you will be confident in your ability to write secure code, avoid common security pitfalls and strengthen your standing security posture.

What You Will Learn

  • The overall objective and goal of the course is to make you a better programmer and gain extensive knowledge of security vulnerabilities.
  • Helping you to write more secure code and deliver high quality code which is both resilient and secure.
  • By the end of the course
  • you will be a master of writing secure code.
  • You will have knowledge of the various security issues and flaws that exist.
  • You will learn how to develop solutions that counter these security issues
  • how to test applications for security issues and how to fix them
  • how to build security solutions such as rate limiters and image filters from scratch and in general
  • help you become a better developer.

Program Curriculum

  • What is Ruby? What is Rails?
  • Why Ruby on Rails?
  • $7 Million Cybersecurity Scholarship by EC-Council
  • Chapter 1 Quiz

  • SQL Injection
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
  • Header Injection
  • Command, CSS and AJAX Injection
  • Chapter 2 Quiz

  • What is CSRF?
  • CSRF in Rails
  • Countermeasures
  • What is Clickjacking?
  • Clickjacking in Rails & Countermeasures
  • Chapter 3 Quiz

  • What are Headers?
  • Default Headers in Rails
  • CSPs
  • Chapter 4 Quiz

  • What is Rate Limiting?
  • Rate Limiting Tactics and Strategies
  • Safe Listing and Blacklisting
  • Tracking and Throttling
  • Advanced Concepts of Rate Limiting using Rack Attack
  • Combining it all Together
  • Chapter 5 Quiz

  • File Uploads - Basics
  • Scanning Files for Viruses using Clamav
  • Image Filter - Blocking Images
  • Image Filter - Blocking based on Content Type
  • Image Filter - Fixing Metadata Leaks
  • Why and How to Test using Brakeman
  • Analysing Results of Brakeman Report
  • Chapter 6 Quiz

  • What is covered so far? What should you learn next?
  • Goodbye!
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Riyaz Rafi Ahmed

Riyaz Rafi Ahmed has intense experience in Information Security, VAPT, AWS - Security, Ruby on Rails - ProgrammingSecurity (building security solutions from scratch), Blue-teaming, and Security Awareness Training. He has completed over 13 professional courses in the domain of security from various universities such as the University System of Georgia and University of California San Diego and has given multiple talks on topics related to digital privacy and security online in various colleges and national organizations attended by students and subject matter experts alike. Having spent close to 2 years in the domain and given multiple talks on various topics, Riyaz understands how developers start out as he himself is one and is the perfect trainer for this course on understanding security with the example of ruby on rails.

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