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Adrian V. Diglio
Adrian Diglio is the Principal PM Manager of the Secure Software Supply Chain team at Microsoft. He drives the central strategy for securing Microsoft’s software supply chain end-to-end, and the Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs) is one piece of that overall strategy. As such, he helped lead the SBOM implementation at scale across Microsoft using the Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX) ISO Standard specification. He’s authored two Microsoft blog posts about generating SBOMs at Microsoft, and open sourcing their SBOM Tool. Prior to the U.S. Presidential Executive Order 14028, he and other Microsoft representatives worked with the Consortium for Information and Software Quality (CISQ) Tool-to-Tool SBOM industry working group, where he led the development of the vulnerability schema sub-group. The Tool-to-Tool SBOM working group later merged with SPDX to form the basis of SPDX 3.0 next-generation specification, and he’s been engaged in SPDX’s weekly and monthly working groups ever since. Then, in response to the U.S. Presidential Executive Order, he led the internal initiative to ensure that Microsoft software-generated SBOMs to conform their requirements and worked with teams across Microsoft to implement the tool into different build environments, drive compliance across the company, and develop the SBOM tooling specifications to support a wide variety of scenarios. He has a BA from California Polytechnic University Pomona and an MBA from San Diego State University (SDSU). He has numerous professional certifications, including Security+, CISSP, GCED, PMP, and OSWP.
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