Course Overview

Secure coding with C is a top concern. Although the C programming language, which is commonly used in numerous applications and operating systems is popular, flexible, and versatile, it is inherently vulnerable to exploitation.   

Writing a secure code is crucial. Because there is no direct method to handle the exception (no inbuilt try and catch such as in another high-level language like C#) in the C language, it becomes the responsibility of the C developer to become extra vigilant while writing code. This course begins with a detailed explanation of the overall security of any C application. Further, it provides insights on how to write better C code, particularly a secure code that prevents pitfalls commonly encountered in the C language.

This course shows you how to avoid vulnerabilities and security flaws resulting from the incorrect use of dynamic memory management functions. You will understand how to eliminate integer-related problems resulting from signed integer overflows, unsigned integer wrapping, and truncation errors.  

What You Will Learn

  • Develop a C program in a Secured Way
  • Learn about the basics of C Programming Language
  • Learn about String Formatting in C
  • Learn about Null Pointers in C
  • Learn how to identify potential vulnerabilities in a C language Code

Program Curriculum

  • Improving C Application Security
  • Developing your First C Program
  • Identifying Common C Weaknesses
  • Chapter 1 Quiz

  • Memory Allocation and the Stack
  • Buffer Overflow Vulnerabilities:
  • Introduction to ROP
  • Chapter 2 Quiz

  • Introduction to Format String Specifiers
  • Format String Vulnerabilities
  • Chapter 3 Quiz

  • Introduction to Variable Types and Typecasting
  • Integer Overflow Vulnerabilities
  • Integer Underflow Vulnerabilities
  • Chapter 4 Quiz

  • Introduction to Pointers
  • Potential Pointer Problems
  • Null Pointer Dereference
  • Misuse of Freed Pointers
  • Chapter 5 Quiz

  • Managing User Input
  • Securely Performing I/O
  • Chapter 6 Quiz
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Howard Poston


Howard Poston has over a decade of experience in C, C++, Java programming and a background in cybersecurity. He is a blockchain and cybersecurity trainer, writer, consultant, and researcher and has a Master’s degree in Cyber Operations, and is a Certified Ethical Hacker. Howard also has experience in teaching online courses, having created and delivered half a dozen different courses live, remotely, and on-demand on different cybersecurity topics

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