Course Overview

The C++ programming language is widely used, but C++ programs are often insecure. A number of different vulnerabilities can exist in C++ code and make it vulnerable to exploitation.  If you want to write secure C++ code, you need to be able to identify and understand the numerous potential errors that can be made in C++ programs. This includes everything from the identification of a potentially vulnerable to understanding how it could be exploited to knowing how to correct your vulnerable code.

This course walks through this entire process by providing examples of vulnerable code, exploiting this code, and then demonstrating corrected code that is immune to exploitation.

What You Will Learn

  • Fundamentals of creating secure code in C++
  • New C++ features and how to take advantage of them
  • Identifying common C++ programming vulnerabilities
  • Developing tests for common C++ vulnerabilities
  • Designing code to safely perform parallel processing
  • Securely managing errors in C++ code
  • Best practice's for C++ development

Program Curriculum

  • The Object-Oriented Paradigm
  • Getting Familiar with C++ Libraries and Frameworks
  • Developing Your First C++ Application
  • $7 Million Cybersecurity Scholarship by EC-Council
  • Chapter 1 Quiz

  • Variable Types and Typecasting in C++
  • Integer Overflow Vulnerabilities
  • Integer Underflow Vulnerabilities
  • Secure File Management through Files, Classes, and Streams
  • Introduction to Format String Specifiers
  • Controlled Execution with Formatted Outputs
  • Chapter 2 Quiz

  • Inside the Stack
  • Stack-based Butter Overflow Vulnerabilities
  • Introduction to the Heap
  • Nonstack Buffer Overflow
  • Dynamic Memory Allocation
  • Chapter 3 Quiz

  • A Few Key Points about Pointers
  • Null Pointer Dereference
  • Misusing Freed Memory
  • Deep versus Shallow Object Copies
  • Chapter 4 Quiz

  • The Dangers of Untrusted Input
  • Database Injection with SQL
  • Running Malicious Code with Command Injection
  • Breaking LDAP with Injection
  • XML Hijinks with XPath Injection
  • Manipulating the Filesystem with Resource Injection
  • Chapter 5 Quiz

  • The Many Benefits of Parallel Processing
  • Race Conditions Make Code Unpredictable
  • Locking Down Parallel Processing
  • Securely Using Temporary Files
  • Chapter 6 Quiz

  • Introduction to SEH
  • Many Different Types of Exceptions
  • Handling All of the Errors
  • Plugging Information Leaks in Error Messages
  • Chapter 7 Quiz

  • Introduction to The OWASP Top Ten
  • Tracking Errors and Vulnerabilities
  • Exploring C++ Best Practices
  • Chapter 8 Quiz
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Howard Poston


Howard Poston has over a decade of experience in C, C++, Java programming and a background in cybersecurity. He is a blockchain and cybersecurity trainer, writer, consultant, and researcher and has a Master’s degree in Cyber Operations, and is a Certified Ethical Hacker. Howard also has experience in teaching online courses, having created and delivered half a dozen different courses live, remotely, and on-demand on different cybersecurity topics

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