Course Overview

This course provides a comprehensive understanding of enhancing Ansible's functionality and security through the use of plugins, advanced development techniques, and effective troubleshooting strategies. Designed for users who want to optimize their Ansible experience, this course covers how to extend Ansible’s capabilities and streamline your automation processes while ensuring secure configurations. By focusing on best practices, learners will gain valuable skills to manage their Ansible environments effectively. 

This course begins with extending Ansible using various plugins, including the ansible.builtin.version and multiple lookup plugins for reading environment variables and files. You will also learn to create custom lookup plugins in Python and enhance performance with callback plugins, simplifying playbook output. The course then delves into advanced development techniques, such as using Visual Studio Code for Ansible development, creating Ansible collections, and testing roles with Molecule. The final section covers troubleshooting common Ansible errors, equipping you with the skills to resolve issues like connection failures, syntax errors, and module problems efficiently. 

By the end of this course, you will master Ansible plugins, enhance security with Vault, and effectively troubleshoot automation issues. 

What You Will Learn

  • Enhance performance and simplify output using Ansible lookup and callback plugins.
  • Create custom Ansible plugins in Python for improved automation flexibility.
  • Troubleshoot common Ansible issues like SSH failures and privilege escalations.
  • Test and debug Ansible roles with Molecule for secure automation deployments.

Program Curriculum

  • Comparing Versions - ansible.builtin.version Plugin
  • Read an Environment Variable - Ansible Lookup Plugin env
  • Copy Multiple Files - Ansible Lookup Plugin fileglob
  • Read a File into a Variable on Host?-?Ansible Lookup Plugin?file
  • Read a JSON File into a Variable - Ansible Lookup Plugin file
  • Creating a Custom Ansible Lookup Plugin in Python for Retrieving API Token
  • Creating a Custom Ansible Lookup Plugin in Python for Reading a File
  • Leveraging Ansible Callback Plugins for Enhanced Performance
  • Output Ansible Playbooks as YAML with Callback Plugin
  • Simplify Ansible Output with the community.general.dense Callback Plugin
  • Simplifying Ansible Output with the community.general.unixy Callback Plugin
  • Chapter 1 Quiz

  • Ansible Development with Visual Studio Code
  • Ansible Content Creator with ansible-creator
  • Creating Ansible Collection Using ansible-creator and VSCode Ansible Extension
  • Ansible Role and Collection Testing with Molecule
  • Ansible Collection Role Testing with Molecule
  • Ansible Collection Changelog with antsibull-changelog
  • Chapter 2 Quiz

  • Ansible Troubleshooting - Failed to Connect to the Host via ssh Host localhost p
  • Ansible Troubleshooting - Indentation Error
  • Ansible Troubleshooting - Privilege Escalation Error
  • Ansible Troubleshooting - Connection Failed
  • Ansible Troubleshooting - macOS Fork Error
  • Ansible Troubleshooting - Missing Module Parameter
  • Ansible Troubleshooting - Failure Downloading
  • Ansible Troubleshooting - chgrp Failed
  • Ansible Troubleshooting - Syntax Error
  • Ansible Troubleshooting - Not a Valid Attribute for a Play Error
  • Ansible Troubleshooting - Fatal Template Error while Templating String
  • Ansible Troubleshooting - PowerShell Incompatible with the sudo become Plugin
  • Ansible Troubleshooting - Passwordless Account
  • Ansible Troubleshooting? - Missing sudo Password and Incorrect sudo Password
  • Ansible Troubleshooting?- User Module password_expiry_min Bug and Workaround
  • Ansible Troubleshooting - Windows 10 Error 0x80370102 WSL: WindowsSubsystemLinux
  • Windows 11 Error 0x80370102 WSL: Windows Subsystem for Linux - Ansible
  • Ansible Troubleshooting - Invalid Argument
  • Ansible Troubleshooting - Undefined Variable
  • Ansible Troubleshooting - Destination does not Exist
  • Ansible Troubleshooting - The "role not found" Error
  • Ansible Troubleshooting?-?Module Failure on Windows-target
  • Ansible Troubleshooting - Permission Denied Error No 13
  • Ansible Troubleshooting - VARIABLE IS NOT DEFINED! ansible_hostname
  • Ansible Troubleshooting - Unhandled Exception while Executing Module win_user
  • Ansible Troubleshooting - This Command has to be Run under the Root User
  • Ansible Troubleshooting - Kubernetes K8s or OpenShift OCP 401 Unauthorized
  • Ansible Troubleshooting?-?Destination does not Exist rc?257
  • Ansible Troubleshooting Installation Issues on macOS and Python
  • Installer Download Online vs. Bundle
  • Chapter 3 Quiz


Luca Berton

Luca has been 14 years in the IT market with a technical background and people in mind. His strengths are Ansible automation, GNU/Linux, and cloud computing. He is a certified Red Hat System Administrator. He likes to teach and move your skills to the next level! He tries to automate as many things as possible because he considers himself a lazy person. He is a freelancer Consultant with 18 years of experience in leading cross-functional teams to deliver innovative AI and cloud solutions. He has expertise in driving technological strategies that align with business objectives and mentoring teams to achieve operational excellence. Luca has authored industry-recognized books and courses on AI, Kubernetes, and Ansible, establishing thought leadership in DevOps and cloud technologies. His track record of delivering future-proof solutions and my expertise in cutting-edge technologies position your organization for success.

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