Course Overview

This course covers a comprehensive range of topics that empower you to interact with web services, enforce Linux security best practices, and efficiently manage RedHat-like systems. With practical applications and hands-on exercises, you'll learn to streamline your workflows, reduce manual errors, and improve system security. 

This course begins with exploring how to interact with web services APIs, focusing on submitting GET requests and implementing token-based authentication using Ansible's URI module. You'll also learn to create custom Ansible plugins to fetch API data efficiently. Next, the course delves into Linux security, covering essential tasks such as setting kernel parameters, configuring SELinux policies, and automating vulnerability mitigation techniques. You'll tackle critical vulnerabilities like Log4Shell and PWNKIT, and understand how to apply CIS benchmark hardening to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9. The final section focuses on Ansible playbook code for RedHat-like systems, where you'll learn to register systems, install packages, deploy web servers, and perform rolling updates while automating vulnerability assessments. 

By the end of this course, you'll have the skills to automate web services interactions, enforce security practices, and manage RedHat systems effectively using Ansible. 

What You Will Learn

  • Use Ansible’s URI module to interact with REST APIs and manage authentication.
  • Secure Linux systems with SELinux configurations
  • kernel management
  • and vulnerability mitigation.
  • Automate hardening for Red Hat systems with CIS benchmarks and GPG signing.
  • Deploy and manage web and proxy servers on RedHat-like systems with Ansible.

Program Curriculum

  • Submit a GET Request to a REST API Endpoint?-?Interact with Web Services?-?uri
  • Token Based Authentication in REST API - Interact with Web Service - Ansible uri
  • Creating Custom Ansible Plugins to Fetch API Data Easily
  • Chapter 1 Quiz

  • Set sysctl Kernel Parameters - Ansible Module sysctl
  • Load and Unload Kernel Modules in Linux - Ansible Module modprobe
  • Configure Kernel Parameters in RedHat-like Linux Systems - Ansible System role
  • Set the SELinux Policy States and Modes on Linux - Ansible Module selinux
  • Enable or Disable Permissive Domain in SELinux Policy on Linux -Ansible module
  • Enable or Disable SELinux Boolean on Linux - Ansible Module seboolean
  • Vulnerability Scanner Log4Shell Remote Code Execution Log4j
  • (CVE-2021–44228)
  • How to Mitigrate Polkit Privilege Escalation - PWNKIT (CVE-2021-4034) on RedHat
  • Project Signing with GPG and ansible-sign
  • Project Signature Verification with GPG and ansible-sign
  • Automating CIS Benchmark Hardening for RHEL 9 with Ansible
  • Automating Audit CIS Benchmark Hardening for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9
  • Terrapin Attack Breaking Down SSH Security
  • Project Policy Validation with OPA and ansible-policy
  • Chapter 2 Quiz

  • Register a System with Red Hat Subscription-Manager - Ansible Module redhat_subs
  • Install a Package in RedHat-like Systems - Ansible Module yum
  • Deploy a Web Server apache httpd on RedHat-like Systems - Ansible Modules yum, c
  • Rolling Update RedHat-like Systems - Ansible Module yum
  • Open Firewall Ports in RedHat-like Systems - Ansible Module
  • Install Google Chrome in RedHat-like Systems - Ansible Module rpm_key, yum_repos
  • Install Microsoft Edge in RedHat-like Systems - Ansible Module rpm_key, yum_repo
  • NFS Server - Export an NFS Share in RedHat-like Systems?-?Six Ansible Modules
  • Deploy a Proxy Server squid on RedHat-like Systems - Ansible Modules yum, template
  • Deploy a Web Server Apache httpd Virtual Host on RedHat-like Systems?-?Ansible
  • Automating Vulnerability Assessment with Terrapin Scanner Using Ansible
  • Chapter 3 Quiz


Luca Berton

Luca has been 14 years in the IT market with a technical background and people in mind. His strengths are Ansible automation, GNU/Linux, and cloud computing. He is a certified Red Hat System Administrator. He likes to teach and move your skills to the next level! He tries to automate as many things as possible because he considers himself a lazy person. He is a freelancer Consultant with 18 years of experience in leading cross-functional teams to deliver innovative AI and cloud solutions. He has expertise in driving technological strategies that align with business objectives and mentoring teams to achieve operational excellence. Luca has authored industry-recognized books and courses on AI, Kubernetes, and Ansible, establishing thought leadership in DevOps and cloud technologies. His track record of delivering future-proof solutions and my expertise in cutting-edge technologies position your organization for success.

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