Course Overview

Injection attacks have been #1 on the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Top Ten list for years. Even in 2020, SQL injection (SQLi) attacks are still finding their way into production applications and allow an attacker to wreak havoc.

The course is excellent for the beginner as it takes you from no knowledge of SQL to finding SQLi on your own and exploiting them. Even if you are an experienced pentester, this course will serve as a great reference when you run into a challenging SQLi. This course will walk you step-by-step on how to identify and attack in-band and inferential SQLi vulnerabilities, how to exfiltrate information from a database, how you can bypass web application firewalls (WAF) and filtering techniques used in an attempt to stop hackers. Finally, the course concludes by teaching you the 100% full proof method of securing source code from SQLi attacks. In this course, you’ll learn everything you need to know about SQLi, you’ll learn how to attack SQLi vulnerabilities, exfiltrate data from backend databases, bypass countermeasures, and also how you can protect your applications from SQLi attacks.

By the end of the course, you will be able to detect and attack SQLi vulnerabilities.

What You Will Learn

  • A structured approach to database testing and exploitation.
  • A solid understanding of SQL syntax and operation.
  • Exploit SQL Injections in Websites and Exfiltrate Data.
  • Automate the Discovery of SQL Injections.
  • Bypass SQL Injection WAFs and Filtering Countermeasures.
  • Easily Exfiltrate Data from Databases with SQL Injections.
  • Application Protection from SQL Injections.

Program Curriculum

  • Lab Setup
  • $7 Million Cybersecurity Scholarship by EC-Council

  • Understanding Database Structure and Writing SQL Queries
  • Chapter 2 Quiz
  • Chapter 2 - Lab

  • The Different Types of SQL Injections
  • Chapter 3 - Lab
  • Chapter 3 Quiz

  • Attacking In-band SQL Injections
  • Attacking In-band SQL Injections: Recon
  • Attacking In-band SQL Injections: Exploit
  • Chapter 4 Lab
  • Chapter 4 Quiz

  • Attacking Inferential SQL Injections: Blind SQLi
  • Chapter 5 Lab
  • Chapter 5 Quiz

  • Data Exfiltration and Bypassing Filters with Sqlmap
  • Chapter 6 Lab
  • Chapter 6 Quiz

  • Database Vulnerability and Misconfiguration Mitigation Techniques
  • Chapter 7 Quiz

Course Conclusion and Final Comments

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Skylar Simmons

Skylar Simmons is a U.S. Army veteran with over 10 years of security experience supporting various types of organizations, including, government, financial sector, and Fortune 500 companies. He holds a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Cyber Security from University of Maryland University College, along with OSCP, CISSP, and numerous other security and IT certifications.

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