Course Overview
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Program Curriculum
Victor Gorinov
Victor Gorinov is a Software Automation Engineer and Online Instructor. His passion is finding different online business models. He has always been fascinated by the endless possibilities that we have in our time and the opportunity to reach millions of people with a single click of your mouse. He is currently working as QA Consultant and in his free time he teaches people through digital channels. He is also involved in freelancing, affiliate marketing, investing in the stock market, selling private label products on Amazon and more. He is passionate about helping others achieve their goals, which leads to more free time for yourself and your family and overall having a better life. If you are someone who: - Want to learn Programming as a Beginner - Want to learn the Quality Assurance profession - Want to enter the IT world, but doesn't know from where to start Or: - Want to Make Money on the Internet - Want to Create Passive Income - Want to build an Online Business If you want to do any of these things, enroll in one of his courses today and get started! He is always improving on his courses, so enroll today and see for yourself. He really hopes that he'll be able to help you to achieve your goals. Thank you very much for reading and enjoy your learning experience.
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