Course Overview

Let's start with an Overview of the XMPP protocol which is popular for chat and messaging applications

setting up an Amazon Web Service VPS called EC2 with Ubuntu Linux

Compare the popular chat servers and install the Prosody, the lightweight, efficient open source chat server

Explore the basic configuration options for prosody to get started.

Install a few additional modules which are needed for file sending etc.

Configure an SSL certificate for our chat server to enhance safety and security.

Install and configure windows/mac/Linux Chat App called Pidgin (Open Source)

Install and configure Android Chat App called Conversations (Open Source)

Install and configure iOS Chat App called Chat Secure (Open Source)

What You Will Learn

  • Set-up their own open source chat server in Amazon cloud or any other VPS
  • Set-up chat client applications for windows
  • Android and iOS platforms
  • Learn about XMPP Chat Server with Android and iOS
  • Explore the basic configuration options for prosody

Program Curriculum

  • XMPP Protocol Introduction and features
  • Delete this
  • $7 Million Cybersecurity Scholarship by EC-Council

Setup a free-tier Amazon EC2 Ubuntu Server and its administration

Install Prosody XMPP Chat Server in Amazon Ubuntu VPS Server

Basic Prosody Configuration

SSL Certificate Generation and Configuration

Configuring Win/Linux/Mac Chat App

Configuring Android Chat App

Configuring iOS chat App

OMEMO Encryption for XMPP

Load more modules


Abhilash Nelson

Abhilash Nelson is a pioneering, talented and security-oriented Android/iOS Mobile and PHP/Python Web Developer Application Developer offering more than eight years’ overall IT experience which involves designing, implementing, integrating, testing and supporting impact-full web and mobile applications. He is a Postgraduate Master's Degree holder in Computer Science and Engineering and is currently serving full time as a Senior Solution Architect managing my client's projects from start to finish to ensure high quality, innovative and functional design.

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