Course Overview
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Program Curriculum
Marcos Vinicios Penha
Marcos Vinicios Penha has worked in companies in south and north America over the last 20 years. His experience ranges from defensive, offensive, incident response and infrastructure security. He has a variety of certifications in different fields of cyber-security, including CEH, CISSP, CRTE, CRTP, OSCP, F5-CA, Pentest+, CySA+, CASP+, Linux+, and others. Marcos has supported many companies worldwide to fight vulnerabilities, cyber-crime and advanced persistent threats while helping them to improve their maturity, visibility and protection controls. He has solid knowledge about the following subjects: Vulnerability Management, Red teaming, Ethical Hacking and Adversary Simulation, System Hardening, Defense Evasion, Threat Hunting, Incident Response, Blue teaming, Intrusion Detection and Prevention, Endpoint Detection and Response, Next-Gen Firewalls and Web Application Firewalls, and others. Marcos has been supporting the cyber-security community participating as a speaker in a variety of events worldwide.
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¹This plan includes Digital Forensics Essentials (DFE), Ethical Hacking Essentials (EHE), and Network Defense Essentials (NDE) certifications. No other EC-Council certifications are included.