Course Overview
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Program Curriculum
Imran TeliShantanu Das
Visualpath is a leading software training organization with 12+ years of experience providing training on cutting-edge technologies. 32K+ Learners worldwide. We provide Career Building video courses on various top and trending IT courses like DevOps, Cloud Computing, Full Stack, Python, Data warehousing, Testing, and many more. VisualPath IT is one of the leading software training centers in Hyderabad and the most reputable training division in all areas. Visualpath provides high-end technology that will allow everyone to build a career with them. Visualpath is the best institute in online training, corporate training, and classroom training. They offer training programs online in India and abroad. interesting.Shantanu Das is a seasoned author for many DevOps courses like Puppet, Microservices, Terraform & Azure DevOps. He has a worked as a Site Reliability Engineer with solid hands-on experience in Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure technologies in Cloud/DevOps practice, architecting solutions along with migrating, managing supporting enterprise suite of applications. He has helped fortune 500 companies in automating build and deployments of code which needs to be shipped to different environments. Also, he has experience in hosting and supporting dockerized applications via Kubernetes on GCP, support Google managed Hadoop/data proc clusters along with ETL solutions built on top of Airflow backed by Hive and MySQL DB.
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Ideal for continuous learning, offering extensive resources with 600+ courses and diverse Learning Paths to enhance your skills.
What is included
- 700+ Premium Short Courses
- 50+ Structured Learning Paths
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Pro +
Experience immersive learning with Practice Labs, CTF Challenges, and exclusive EC-Council certifications for comprehensive skill-building.
Everything in Pro and
- 800+ Practice Lab exercises with guided instructions
- 150+ CTF Challenges with detailed walkthroughs
- New Practice Labs and Challenges added every month
3 Official EC-Council Essentials Certifications¹ (retails at $897!)
Exclusive Bonus with Annual Plans
¹This plan includes Digital Forensics Essentials (DFE), Ethical Hacking Essentials (EHE), and Network Defense Essentials (NDE) certifications. No other EC-Council certifications are included.
Quick View
Becoming a DevOps Professional
What's included
- Full Video Access
- Self-Paced Study Guide
- 6 months of access to virtual labs
- Once redeemed, this bundle will be valid for 12 months
- Self-Paced Study Guide
- Exam Voucher + Retake
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