Course Overview
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Program Curriculum
Jonathan Elliott
Associate Software Engineer
Jonathan started using computers at the early age of six. When he was 13, he began to study certain computing topics more in-depth. He started learning the concept of packet-switched networks while writing scripts in a Pascal-based language via an IDE known as SCAR Divi. He then began to focus on common web-based vulnerabilities. From there he transitioned into learning general cybersecurity topics and started to become proficient in different programming languages, network security, and endpoint hardening. Over the years he continued to assimilate these topics, while he acquired more knowledge in generalized networking, penetration testing, and risk analysis alongside my primary focus of defensive security. To this day, he continues to further his education in every possible way including but not limited to attending conferences, listening to podcasts, and actively participating in the information security community. He also participates in cybersecurity clubs and regularly engages in non-competitive CTF challenges such as Hack The Box. His passion for this field only continues to grow stronger.
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