Course Overview

Have you ever been stuck with no internet, no cloud, and no servers but still needed access to systems in a remote location, or do you need to leave a system behind to do some analysis? System access goes beyond what you can get from a laptop or mobile device with no access to anything. Consider a ruggedized transportable secure DC that has a small enough footprint to carry in a backpack and weighs around the same as a 2-liter bottle of pop. Pizza in a box is way too big to carry around.

In this course, we will explore how we can leverage virtualization with a focus on VMware’s ESXi platform running on a ruggedized mini pc. We will secure the portable DC (VMware) platform and solve the following use cases:

  1. Field location needing access to a web application provisioning on the fly
  2. Security Analytics platform running Security Onion
  3. Red Team Tool Kit

Sounds incredible I know, and the goal is to empower you with ideas on how you can solve similar use cases. Bonus: this is a GREAT option for a lab environment that is 100% portable.

What You Will Learn

  • How to build a transportable secure DC that can be carried to any remote location for use. Note: this can also serve as a lab for testing or learning.
  • Understand what Terraform is and how it can help automate the delivery of the solution and reverse those changes as needed. Practical examples available that you can leverage in your use cases
  • Understand what Cloud-Config is and how it can help preconfigure a system. Practical examples available that you can leverage in your use cases
  • Understand what Security Onion is and get some practice hands on examples
  • Understand what Kali Linux is and get some practice hands on examples for red teaming

Program Curriculum

  • Mini-PC Platforms Hardware
  • Hypervisors
  • $7 Million Cybersecurity Scholarship by EC-Council
  • Chapter 1 Quiz

  • VMWare Workstation Player 16
  • Installation of VMware Workstation Player 16
  • VMware ESXi Server
  • Installation of VMware ESXi
  • Chapter 2 Quiz

  • Use Case 1 Overview
  • Terraform Day 0/1 (IaC)
  • Terraform Day 0/1 (IaC) - Lab
  • Cloud-Init
  • Chapter 3 Quiz

  • Deployment of Web Services
  • Deployment Demo
  • Chapter 4 Quiz

  • Use Case 2 Overview
  • Deployment of Security Onion
  • Security Onion Lab – Part 1
  • Security Onion Lab – Part 2
  • Chapter 5 Quiz

  • Use Case 3 Overview
  • Deployment of Kali Linux
  • Kali Lab
  • Metasploit Lab
  • Exploit Lab
  • Chapter 6 Quiz

  • Deploy Web Service, Security Onion, and Kali
  • Full Deployment - Lab
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Jason Maynard

Jason has been architecting, designing, and deploying security technologies that secure the most complex computing environments for almost 2 decades. Leveraging multiple technologies as a systems administrator, infrastructure architect, and solutions integrator before focusing primarily on security. Jason has been using virtualization technologies going back to VMware GSX/ESX back in 2001/2002 (outside of networking virtualization such as VLANs and VRFs). Jason’s understanding of technologies, people, and process enable him to deliver effective, comprehensive security solutions that align with an organization’s security goals and strategic imperatives. Jason is adept at addressing a range of risk profiles across multiple industry verticals; skills he has cultivated as an end-user security practitioner, partner/integrator, and now manufacturer as Senior Technical Solutions Architect, focused on Cybersecurity. Jason is also active in the direct community speaking at multiple conferences and getting deep delivering sessions at multiple BSides events. Jason also holds over 75+ designations across a variety of products and technologies including the CCIE designation.

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