Course Overview
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Program Curriculum
Jason Maynard
Jason has been architecting, designing, and deploying security technologies that secure the most complex computing environments for almost 2 decades. Leveraging multiple technologies as a systems administrator, infrastructure architect, and solutions integrator before focusing primarily on security. Jason has been using virtualization technologies going back to VMware GSX/ESX back in 2001/2002 (outside of networking virtualization such as VLANs and VRFs). Jason’s understanding of technologies, people, and process enable him to deliver effective, comprehensive security solutions that align with an organization’s security goals and strategic imperatives. Jason is adept at addressing a range of risk profiles across multiple industry verticals; skills he has cultivated as an end-user security practitioner, partner/integrator, and now manufacturer as Senior Technical Solutions Architect, focused on Cybersecurity. Jason is also active in the direct community speaking at multiple conferences and getting deep delivering sessions at multiple BSides events. Jason also holds over 75+ designations across a variety of products and technologies including the CCIE designation.
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¹This plan includes Digital Forensics Essentials (DFE), Ethical Hacking Essentials (EHE), and Network Defense Essentials (NDE) certifications. No other EC-Council certifications are included.