Course Overview

Our entire way of life rests on software foundation. Therefore, the assurance of that foundation is of vital national interest. Yet, the entire field of software security still functions more like a guild than it does a profession. That is because there is no commonly accepted standard body of knowledge, nor is there a well-defined set of abilities required to demonstrate competence. Instead, there is a diverse range of ideas and approaches to the assurance of software, as well as at least three separate fields, computer science, software engineering and computer information systems. That is the reason why the professional societies that govern computing, the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Association for Information Systems (AIS) came together to nail down by common agreement exactly what you need to know in order to be a qualified software assurance professional. These recommendations are published in an omnibus document called Cybersecurity Curricular Guidelines (CSEC2017) and that is what you are going to learn in this course.

This course is built around the complete set of recommendations of the CSEC guideline, as well as the workforce recommendations of the NIST/NICE Workforce Framework. The aim here is practical capability, not academic theory. Essentially, rather than software engineering, what you will learn here is the mechanism that is created to assure software assets against potential exploitation. This is established at three levels in the organization, strategic processes, individual project infrastructure and individual testing. You’ll get to examine all three of these from a top-down perspective. You will move from the guideline that defines and relates all of these processes, through the specific itemization of the activities and tasks embodied within its recommendations, down to specific practices used to verify, validate, audit, and resolve software assurance issues. Then you will discover specific case implementations. The aim is for the student to acquire the complete range of things necessary to be fully competent in the field of secure software assurance. 

At the end of this course, you will have a full set of knowledge and capabilities necessary to function as a certified professional in the highly diverse and challenging field of software assurance.

What You Will Learn

  • Build your knowledge on secure software assurance.
  • Prepare for Certified Secure Lifecycle Professional Certification.
  • Explore secure software development concepts and the security implications of the various development approaches.
  • Learn about security design principles and the implications of commonly used architectures.
  • Understand how to test for proper security functionality and resiliency to attack.
  • Importance of correctly configuring software.
  • Gain understanding on the importance of ethical consideration prior to undertaking a development project.

Program Curriculum

  • Fundamental Security Principles (Saltzer and Schroeder)
  • Secure Design Principles
  • $7 Million Cybersecurity Scholarship by EC-Council
  • Chapter 1 Quiz

  • Elicitation of Security Requirements
  • Specification of Security Requirements
  • Chapter 2 Quiz

  • Secure Design
  • System Engineering
  • Chapter 3 Quiz

  • Secure Implementation
  • Chapter 4 Quiz

  • Assurance
  • Types of Testing
  • Chapter 5 Quiz

  • Configuring
  • Chapter 6 Quiz

  • Secure Acquisition
  • Chapter 7 Quiz

  • Secure Documentation
  • Chapter 8 Quiz

  • Security Ethics
  • Chapter 9 Quiz
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Dan Shoemaker

Dan Shoemaker has been involved in the field of software assurance since its beginnings in 2005. He was part of the original software assurance initiative at the Department of Homeland Security and Chaired its Workforce Training and Education arm for four years, 2008 to 2012. He was a subject matter expert for both the NICE Workforce Framework and the Cybersecurity Curricular Guidelines projects. He has been a consultant and practitioner in the field for close to forty years and a professor for thirty-five. Finally, he is a Distinguished Visitor of the IEEE. and he has written twelve books and close to two-hundred articles in the field.

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