Course Overview
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Program Curriculum
Karthik Jagadish Bangalore Jagadish
Karthik Jagadish is an IT & Business Management professional and a Change agent, with a strong passion & commitment towards creating robust, high performing Service Management culture across organizations via Thought Leadership, Consulting and Coaching. Karthik has over 25 years of practical experience in leading and managing all aspects of IT Strategy & Delivery, Technology guidance, Program leadership & Team building across the USA/Canada/India. With over a dozen certifications and accreditations under his belt, Karthik offers consulting, advisory and coaching in the following areas: ● IT Service Management best practices (ITIL V4 MP / ITIL v3 EXPERT / ISO 20K Lead Auditor) ● Cloud trainings and workshops (Council Service Manager - CCC certified) ● Project Management Practitioner (PRINCE2 Certified) ● DevOps Foundation and Leadership courses (PeopleCert & DevOps Institute certified) ● Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt and Green Belt (Lean Sigma Corp and CSSC certified) Recognized as Tier ONE instructor for Global Training Organizations, with an Overall SAT & Instructor SAT > 97%, across NA & EU
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Everything in Pro and
- 800+ Practice Lab exercises with guided instructions
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3 Official EC-Council Essentials Certifications¹ (retails at $897!)
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¹This plan includes Digital Forensics Essentials (DFE), Ethical Hacking Essentials (EHE), and Network Defense Essentials (NDE) certifications. No other EC-Council certifications are included.