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Christy Kushner
Christy Kushner is a seasoned Cybersecurity Leader, Mentor, and Master Trainer with over 10+ years of experience helping others attain new levels of personal and professional success. Focused heavily on people, growth and progression, Christy brings with her an extensive background involving (but not limited to) cross-functional communications, immutable security development, risk forecasting, and the art of creating industry learning and working environments that are as positive as they are productive. Even more, she is passionate about not just helping businesses rectify weaknesses and attain sustainable protection, but doing so all while ensuring next-gen cybersecurity leaders feel confident as they navigate their careers within this transient space. Prior to cybersecurity management, Christy initially began her career as a sheep farmer and later blended her integrity, accountability, and strong work ethic values to join the US Army in 2004. Here, Christy worked as an ER Technician in Germany and later became a Critical Care Air Ambulance Medic in 2006. With this as her foundation, it set the trajectory for Christy to scale as an IT/technology professional upon being honorably discharged in 2012. Since then, Christy has become an accoladed cybersecurity expert who has built, worked for, and networked with various acclaimed organizations – the most recent being Truist. To date, Christy is also respected for her continuous support for community organizations such as Raleigh ISSA (former VP Board Member) and for her ongoing cybersecurity mentorship approaches strategically designed for career-advancing success. Academically, Christy holds a BS in Cyber and Network Security from ECPI, an AA in General Studies from Central Texas College, and more recently, studied the intricacies of Organizational Leadership from Truist Leadership Institute. This is in conjunction with industry-specific certifications, including a CISSP. Overall, Christy values continuous education, is a firm believer that successful community and business futures start by instilling positive impacts today and understands that the most beneficial outcomes are the ones that come from the formation of strong, shared-value teams. Christy currently resides in North Carolina with her husband and children and is an avid global traveler. Thus far, Christy has been to 13 countries, including Afghanistan where she was deployed twice for a total of 24 months.
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