Course Overview

There are five main components to computer forensics these being: identification; collection; preservation; analysis and presentation; of computer forensic evidence and each one of these components is important on its own. The underlying concept in computer forensics is to ensure limited or no handling of the original evidence and to make certain all the steps are followed to satisfy the evidence presented before the court will stand the test of the law.

Each case and each device are different hence there is no one solution to every investigation and an investigator needs to adapt to each given investigation. There are also many automated tools now in operation and though these may extract a plethora of data from a device, it is essential for an investigator to understand how the tools work and how the extracted data is presented. Failure to do so could result in the exclusion of the evidence if it cannot be explained how the data was obtained. 

This course will introduce many of these tools and how and when to use them. If you want to get into the industry and do well and obtain a job in this area or just improve your skillset then this is the course for you.

What You Will Learn

  • Learn how to identify what digital artifacts will be present during an investigation
  • Learn how to collect both conventional evidence and digital evidence
  • Learn about the best industry procedures and tools to preserve evidence

Program Curriculum

  • What is Computer Forensics?
  • What is an Expert Witness?
  • $7 Million Cybersecurity Scholarship by EC-Council
  • Chapter 1 Quiz

  • Identification of Digital Evidence
  • Preparation of Order
  • Chapter 2 Quiz

  • Collection of Digital Evidence
  • Chapter 3 Quiz

  • Preservation of the Digital Evidence
  • Preservation of Digital Evidence: FTK Demonstration
  • Chapter 4 Lab
  • Chapter 4 Quiz

  • Analysis of Digital Evidence
  • Mobile Phone Evidence
  • Disk Drive Technology
  • Analysis Tools Demonstration
  • Chapter 5 Quiz

  • Presentation of Digital Evidence
  • Chapter 6 Quiz

Digital Evidence – Case Studies

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Dr. Allan Watt Watt

Dr. Allan Watt is a leading expert in his field, working with a team of investigators and analysts who have several years of experience of conducting investigations involving the extraction of evidence from electronic media. With 20 years’ experience and over 1000 investigations, he is in the category of world class in his profession. He is a former member of both NZ Police and New South Wales Police Force and was also an adviser INTERPOL’s IGCI Singapore cyber security panel. He holds a PhD in Forensic Computing, is a Certified Forensic Computer Examiner and has previously worked as a fulltime University lecturer where he designed and taught computer forensics and other cyber security and investigation courses.

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