Course Overview
What You Will Learn
Program Curriculum
Matt Barrett
With over 15 years of experience in cybersecurity, Matt Barrett stands out as a leading expert in the field. His career spans both vendor and practitioner perspectives, giving him a unique and comprehensive understanding of cybersecurity complexities.Throughout his extensive career, Matt has worked with a diverse range of organizations, both as an employee and as an external consultant. This broad experience has equipped him with deep insights into the common and unique challenges faced in cybersecurity. His course is designed with these challenges in mind, offering practical solutions that meet your everyday professional needs.Matt's approach to teaching goes beyond imparting knowledge; he focuses on empowering you for success. He excels in breaking down complex cybersecurity concepts into digestible, actionable lessons. Each participant will gain skills that can be immediately applied to strengthen their cybersecurity posture. Known for his engaging and approachable style, Matt fosters a connection with his audience that goes beyond the typical instructor-student dynamic. His mentor-like approach ensures that learning is both enjoyable and enriching. Matt isn't just teaching cybersecurity; he's guiding you to be more prepared and confident in your role.
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- 800+ Practice Lab exercises with guided instructions
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3 Official EC-Council Essentials Certifications¹ (retails at $897!)
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¹This plan includes Digital Forensics Essentials (DFE), Ethical Hacking Essentials (EHE), and Network Defense Essentials (NDE) certifications. No other EC-Council certifications are included.