Course Overview

It is imperative that all of any organization personnel be trained on the proper cybersecurity procedures. Staff should be aware of potential cyber interference or hacking attempts, and this is what is offered in this course as awareness and knowledge. Many times, cyber-threats come from partners within your supply-chain network. In order to increase efficiency in the logistics industry, you and those in your network must access shared online platforms. Therefore, you need to be cognizant of new vulnerabilities that may arise. Even though you cannot control others’ security measures, you can choose to work with partners that conduct regular security audits or have external security certifications. You could also devise a contract that requires your partners to adhere to basic cybersecurity measures and that is what this course tries to help you to plan and figure out the right way to do.

This course aims to point out the security essentials for any given IT organization. The course enables you to setup a secure base from scratch or review an existing security skeleton for their IT environments. The course will begin with one of the most important activity and that is how to secure your password. Then, you will get to familiarize with securing operating systems, followed by an understanding on Firewalls. Further, you will learn how to secure network switches, routers, and wireless networks. Later, you will explore IDS, IPS, Honeypots, and antiviruses. Finally, you will gain in-depth knowledge on encryption and physical security.

By the end of this course, you will have mastered cybersecurity skills.

What You Will Learn

  • Learn to setup a secure base for your IT environment.
  • Review an existing secure base for your IT environment.
  • Explore IDS
  • IPS
  • and Honeypots.
  • Gain knowledge on encryption.
  • Discover how to secure your physical environment.

Program Curriculum

  • Securing Password
  • Securing Operating Systems
  • Firewalls
  • Securing Network Switches
  • Securing Network Routers
  • Securing Wireless Networks
  • IDS, IPS, and Honeypots
  • Antiviruses
  • Encryption
  • Physical Security
  • $7 Million Cybersecurity Scholarship by EC-Council


Mohammad Adly Adly

Dr. Mohammad Adly Ph. D. Networks and Cybersecurity, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menoufiya University, Egypt, 2014 M. Sc. Computer Science and Engineering, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menoufiya University, Egypt, 2005 Researcher in IRISA, Rennes University, France, 2001 B. Sc. Communication and Electronic Engineering, Cairo University, 1998, Egypt Main research interests include computer networks and protocols, cybersecurity, congestion control, QoS, and multimedia networking Published more than 10 papers in reputed international journals proceedings and supervised more than 50 graduation projects

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