Course Overview

Incident response (IR) is a structured methodology for handling security incidents, breaches, and cyber threats. A well-defined incident response plan (IRP) allows you to effectively identify, minimize the damage, and reduce the cost of a cyber-attack while finding and fixing the cause to prevent future attacks.

 This course covers the six phases of incident handling and responding as follows:

Introduction: Includes the definition of an event, or incident, as well as the difference between them.

Preparation: Shows the elements of preparation and team building.

Identification: Demonstrates where identification occurs and the assessment for identification.

Containment: Explains the deployment and categorization needed as well as the short/long-term actions taken.

Eradication: Stresses on restoring systems and improving defenses.

Recovery: Elaborates on the validation and monitoring required for attacked systems.

Lessons Learned: Confirms the importance of meeting as a team to fix and improve and to share our experiences with others.

 By the end of this course, you will master the technique of handling and responding to a cybersecurity incident.

What You Will Learn

  • Handle and respond to cyber security incidents in your organization.
  • Learn about team building and management.
  • Discover how to restore and improve defenses.

Program Curriculum

  • Introduction
  • $7 Million Cybersecurity Scholarship by EC-Council
  • Chapter 1 Quiz

  • Preparation of People and Policy
  • Team Building and Management
  • Chapter 2 Quiz

  • Where Does Identification Occur?
  • What to Check?
  • Chapter 3 Quiz

  • Deployment and Categorization
  • Short-term and Long-term Actions
  • Chapter 4 Quiz

  • Restoring and Improving Defenses
  • Chapter 5 Quiz

Validation and Monitoring

Meet, Fix, and Share

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Mohammad Adly Adly

Dr. Mohammad Adly Ph. D. Networks and Cybersecurity, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menoufiya University, Egypt, 2014 M. Sc. Computer Science and Engineering, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Menoufiya University, Egypt, 2005 Researcher in IRISA, Rennes University, France, 2001 B. Sc. Communication and Electronic Engineering, Cairo University, 1998, Egypt Main research interests include computer networks and protocols, cybersecurity, congestion control, QoS, and multimedia networking Published more than 10 papers in reputed international journals proceedings and supervised more than 50 graduation projects

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