Course Overview

Innovation in mobile devices has been unprecedented since the late 1990s. Mobile devices are the perfect representation of ubiquitous computing. We are currently on the move, and data processing requirements are constant. So do cybercriminals. They target, make the most of, and use mobile devices like ours. In criminal forensics, digital forensics is a prominent part of the process. Mobile forensics is at the heart of digital forensics. Any forensics investigator should learn how mobile devices work, the features of the mobile operating systems, file system structure, and the application of forensic processes to the mobile device. 

This Mobile Forensics course begins with a foundational introduction to the field and a detailed exploration of Android and iOS operating systems. As the course progresses, you'll delve into the critical aspects of mobile data security architecture and secure device access. Hands-on learning guides you through data extraction and in-depth analysis, including data from cloud backups and the identification of potential malicious activities. The course also introduces various commercial and physical tools for mobile forensics, equipping you to tackle real-world forensic challenges. By the end of the course, you'll be proficient in extracting and using mobile device data for cybersecurity and criminal investigations. 

By the end of the course, you'll master mobile data extraction, equipping you for cybersecurity and criminal investigations. Your expertise will establish you as skilled mobile forensics professional, adept in digital evidence collection. Whether pursuing a career in cybersecurity, law enforcement, or honing investigative skills, this course prepares you for success in the dynamic field of mobile forensics.

What You Will Learn

  • Gain insights into how mobile devices work and the common components of a mobile file system.
  • Learn how to approach mobile forensics challenges using the available tools and techniques.
  • Understand best practices for securing mobile devices during investigations
  • ensuring data integrity.
  • Discover the process of acquiring data from mobile devices
  • a crucial step in forensic analysis.
  • Develop the skills to analyze mobile artifacts and generate comprehensive mobile forensics reports
  • equipping you with fundamental expertise in the field.

Program Curriculum

  • Introduction
  • Course Outline
  • $7 Million Cybersecurity Scholarship by EC-Council

  • History of Mobility and Mobile Device
  • Improvements in Mobile Device
  • Mobile Operating Systems
  • Mobile File Systems
  • Mobile Applications and Important Features
  • Chapter 2 Quiz

  • Digital Forensics, A Recap
  • Forensics Requirements for Mobile Device
  • First Responder Activities
  • Securing the Environment
  • Securing the Equipment
  • Transporting the Evidence
  • Chapter 3 Quiz

  • Data Acquisition from Mobile Devices
  • Evidence Collection from Mobile Devices
  • SQLite, Basics, Usage, and Tools
  • Other Technologies Used in Mobile Device Investigations
  • Chapter 4 Quiz

  • Mobile Artifacts and Important Apps
  • Analyzing the Mobile Evidence
  • Mobile Forensics Tools
  • Forensics Reporting and Concluding the Investigation
  • Chapter 5 Quiz

Course Conclusion and Wrap up

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Emre Çağlar HOŞGÖR

Emre Caglar has experience in cybersecurity for more than 10 years. Throughout his career, he worked in critical and large networks where encryption is an essential part of the security of networks. He learned cryptography and cryptanalysis by doing and excelled in his knowledge by getting a formal education from the Middle East Technical University. He is a security researcher and experienced security analyst. The author has a master’s degree in CS and is pursuing a Ph.D. in cybersecurity.

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