Course Overview

DLP is a constant process of understanding your data and how users, systems, and events interact with that data to better protect it. Data loss prevention (DLP) software detects potential data breaches/data ex-filtration transmissions and prevents them by monitoring, detecting, and blocking sensitive data while in use (endpoint actions), in motion (network traffic), and at rest (data storage). DLP can be a difficult topic to learn but in this course, you will go through the entire discipline of DLP so that you will finish as a better cyber security analyst.

In this course, you will learn exactly what Data Loss Prevention is and how it is applied in the world’s most successful organizations. This course will also provide you with practical DLP skills which includes understanding what is DLP and how it's used to protect data within organizations, the components you need to drive a successful DLP program in your organization as it's not just about the DLP tool, you will learn about DLP Maturity Models and DLP Operating Models, further you will explore several types of enforcement policies you can apply in a DLP tool. Finally, you will learn about several data inspection techniques you can use to prevent data from unauthorized use, and specific criteria you can use for choosing and buying a DLP tool. While this course will teach you the essentials of Data Loss Prevention, it has also been designed to make you a more effective cyber security expert. This DLP Bootcamp covers critical skills that will help you add immediate value to your cyber security career. Best of all, the course has been structured in an easy-to-follow format.

By the end of this course, you will have mastered Data Loss Prevention techniques, which will give your cyber security skills a boost.

What You Will Learn

  • Learn everything about DLP from scratch from a DLP expert.
  • Learn what is DLP and why it's used in organizations.
  • Learn how to create a DLP implementation plan.
  • Learn international best practices for implementing DLP as part of an Information Security Program.
  • Learn how DLP is used to monitor and block network threats.
  • Learn about DLP policy enforcement.

Program Curriculum

  • Introduction
  • What is DLP?
  • What Does a Successful DLP Model Look Like?
  • What is a DLP Maturity Model?
  • Introduction to DLP Enforcement Policies
  • DLP Information Security Analysis Techniques
  • How to Implement DLP: Configuration Types
  • How to Implement DLP: Applying and Maintaining Policies
  • How Do DLP Tools Work?
  • Improving Workforce Security Awareness
  • Executive Reporting
  • Criteria for Choosing a DLP Tool
  • Wrap Up
  • $7 Million Cybersecurity Scholarship by EC-Council


Theodore Panagacos

For almost 20 years my career has largely been invested in management consulting where I have worked with C-suite Executives and have led large-scale IT strategy, enterprise architecture and cyber security projects for global commercial and government clients across industries such as banking, defense, mining, utilities and retail. I have also designed and executed numerous digital strategies, cloud migration reviews, cyber security roadmaps, enterprise architecture, business optimization, infrastructure and service delivery strategies that improved organization processes and created competitive advantage. My book "The Ultimate Guide to Business Process Management" is an Amazon dot com best-seller and has sold more than 25,000 copies world wide.

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