Course Overview

Become a High-level Programmer Equipped with Secure Software Development Skills in C, C++, Java, and Python

What You Will Learn

  • Develop a C program in a Secured Way
  • Learn about the basics of C Programming Language
  • Fundamentals of creating secure code in C++
  • New C++ features and how to take advantage of them
  • Fundamentals of creating secure code in Java
  • Secure design and development for Java applications
  • Learn Python 3 Programming History and Setup
  • Deep dive into the world of Jupyter Notebook and how to code with it!

Program Curriculum

  • Chapter 1: Introduction to C++ Programming
  • Chapter 2: Battling Integer Vulnerabilities in C++
  • Chapter 3: Memory Management in C++
  • Chapter 4: Pointer Subterfuge and Object Misuse in C++
  • Chapter 5: Code Injection Attacks and Run-time Countermeasures
  • Chapter

  • Chapter 1: Introduction to C
  • Chapter 2: Preventing Buffer Overflows, Stack-smashing, and Return-oriented Programming Attacks
  • Chapter 3: Using Formatted Output Functions without Introducing Format-string Vulnerabilities
  • Chapter 4: Securely using Different V

  • Chapter 1: Getting Started with JavaScript
  • Chapter 2: Variables, Data Types, Types Conversion, and More
  • Chapter 3: Operators
  • Chapter 4: Strings and Strings Methods
  • Chapter 5: Number and Number Methods
  • Chapter 6: Conditional Statements and Loops
  • Chapter 7:

  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Python and Setup
  • Chapter 2: Data Structures and Turtle Graphics
  • Chapter 3: NumPy and Visualization Basics
  • Chapter 4: SciPy
  • Chapter 5: Audio Processing, Image Processing, and Computer Vision
  • Chapter 6: Computer Vision wit


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Howard Poston

Howard Poston has over a decade of experience in C, C++, Java programming and a background in cybersecurity. He is a blockchain and cybersecurity trainer, writer, consultant, and researcher and has a Master’s degree in Cyber Operations, and is a Certified Ethical Hacker. Howard also has experience in teaching online courses, having created and delivered half a dozen different courses live, remotely, and on-demand on different cybersecurity topics

Aarthi Elumalai

Howard Poston has over a decade of experience in C, C++, Java programming and a background in cybersecurity. He is a blockchain and cybersecurity trainer, writer, consultant, and researcher and has a Master’s degree in Cyber Operations, and is a Certified Ethical Hacker. Howard also has experience in teaching online courses, having created and delivered half a dozen different courses live, remotely, and on-demand on different cybersecurity topics

Ashwin Pajankar

Howard Poston has over a decade of experience in C, C++, Java programming and a background in cybersecurity. He is a blockchain and cybersecurity trainer, writer, consultant, and researcher and has a Master’s degree in Cyber Operations, and is a Certified Ethical Hacker. Howard also has experience in teaching online courses, having created and delivered half a dozen different courses live, remotely, and on-demand on different cybersecurity topics

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Gateway to Programming Fundamentals

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  • Full Video Access
  • Self-Paced Study Guide
  • 6 months of access to virtual labs
  • Once redeemed, this bundle will be valid for 12 months
  • Self-Paced Study Guide
  • Exam Voucher + Retake
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Gateway to Programming Fundamentals

Gateway to Programming Fundamentals