Course Overview

IoT networks and devices often face attacks as soon as 5 minutes after connecting, thus representing a major threat to healthcare, smart building, manufacturing, power, and other sectors. IoT Devices and Networks can feature numerous vulnerabilities, including weak passwords, lack of security update mechanisms, Shadow IoT, outdated software components/libraries, insufficient privacy protection, insecure networks, unencrypted data, and more. Common attacks on IoT networks include ransomware, eavesdropping, privilege escalation, brute force attacks, buffer overflow, DDoS, firmware hijacking, device hijacking, data theft, and botnets. Demand for IoT Security Specialists and IoT Security Engineers has surged, with their responsibilities including the design of security processes, monitoring IoT devices and networks, identifying and assessing IoT vulnerabilities and risks, preventing IoT threats, and rapidly detecting and responding to incidents. IoT Administrators, network security teams, CISOs, security leaders, IoT architects, and engineers, are also expected to incorporate IoT security into their organization’s standard security practice, process, and procedure, create an IoT security posture that reliably enables IoT innovation and protects their network from existing and unknown threats. 

The course will begin with an overview of IoT, including its architecture, components, the IoT lifecycle, its reach, and what the future holds for IoT. As you move along, you’ll gain an understanding of some of the common IoT protocols including Zigbee, MQTT, and COAP. Next, the course will provide a detailed explanation of some of the common security issues, vulnerabilities, and potential attacks on IoT devices and networks (including a look at OWASP's Top 10 IoT Vulnerabilities 2018). You’ll then learn about some infamous past attacks on IoT devices and networks (including Mirai Botnet, TRENDnet Webcam Hack, Verkada security camera attack, and others). Moving ahead, you’ll gain an understanding of the challenges in IoT security. The course will then provide an explanation on standards and regulations associated with IoT Security. You’ll also learn about the IoT Security Assurance Framework, while you’ll then dive deep into the IoT Security Lifecycle. Next, the course will demonstrate how to carry out secure design and engineering of IoT Hardware and Software (helpful for developers and architects), how to manage IoT software and firmware risks, and how to carry out physical security of IoT devices. As you continue your learning journey, the course will demonstrate how to perform risk assessment and management in IoT, and how to implement Identity and Access Management in IoT. You’ll also explore how to perform user and device management in IoT, how to ensure network-level security in IoT (IP networks, wireless networks, mobile networks, edge networks), and how to apply zero trust across the IoT Network.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to secure your IoT devices and networks using a multitude of measures.

What You Will Learn

  • Identify and mitigate common vulnerabilities in IoT networks and devices
  • including weak passwords and outdated software components.
  • Understand the lifecycle of IoT devices and networks
  • from design to maintenance
  • and implement security measures at each stage.
  • Recognize and respond to various types of IoT attacks
  • such as ransomware
  • DDoS
  • and firmware hijacking.
  • Apply industry standards and regulations to ensure compliance and enhance IoT security posture.
  • Develop practical skills in risk assessment
  • secure design
  • and network-level security to protect IoT deployments across sectors.

Program Curriculum

  • Overview of IoT Architecture and Components
  • Understanding the IoT Security Lifecycle
  • Importance of IoT Security in Different Sectors
  • Chapter 1 Quiz

  • Communication Technologies vs. Protocols
  • Communication Technologies (Physical Layer)
  • Communication Protocols (Application Layer)
  • Chapter 2 Quiz

  • Common Vulnerabilities in IoT Devices and Networks
  • Types of Attacks in IoT
  • Ransomware
  • DDOS
  • MiTM (Man-in-the-Middle)
  • Eavesdropping
  • Firmware Hijacking
  • Brute-force Attack
  • Botnets
  • Chapter 3 Quiz

  • Famous Attacks on IoT Devices and Networks
  • Case Studies of Security Breaches - Mirai Botnet
  • Case Studies of Security Breaches - Verkada Camera Hack
  • Case Studies of Security Breaches - St. Jude's Cardiac Devices
  • Case Studies of Security Breaches - The Jeep Hack
  • Chapter 4 Quiz

  • IoT Security Challenges
  • Addressing IoT Security Challenges
  • Chapter 5 Quiz

  • Overview of IoT Security Standards and Regulations
  • Ensuring Compliance with Relevant Security Frameworks
  • Chapter 6 Quiz

  • Best Practices for Designing
  • Best Practices for Deploying
  • Best Practices for Maintaining Secure IoT System
  • Chapter 7 Quiz

  • Strategies for Secure Design and Engineering of IoT Hardware
  • Strategies for Secure Design and Engineering of IoT Software
  • Strategies for Network Security and Lifecycle Management
  • Chapter 8 Quiz

  • Conducting Risk Assessments for IoT Deployments
  • Implementing Risk Management Strategies to Mitigate Security Risks
  • Chapter 9 Quiz

  • Implementing IAM Solutions for IoT Devices and Networks
  • Ensuring Secure User and Device Management in IoT Deployments
  • Chapter 10 Quiz

  • Securing IP Networks, Wireless Networks, and Edge Networks in IoT
  • Applying Zero-trust Principles to Enhance Network Security
  • Chapter 11 Quiz

  • Recap of Key Learnings from the Course
  • Conclusion and Future Directions in IoT Security
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Muhammad Afzal

Muhammad Afzal is a freelance developer who was passionate about Web, Cloud &IoT. He has been working on tech projects for more than 13 years. He has worked for international clients & firms and has been involved in a wide variety of projects and technologies, including Smart Agriculture, Warehouse monitoring, Environmental monitoring solutions, and many others. For several years, he has been focusing on the IoT ecosystem. He is currently working as a Freelance IoT consultant to clients around the world. He also produces education content for Udemy, YouTube regarding IoT, Cloud, and Web. He also writes for Different IoT Tech companies regarding their products and services. Beside all of that he is voluntarily organizing IoT Workshops for local community. His main objective nowadays is to help others to understand and implement IoT solutions.

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