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Hamid Rezaei r
Hamid Rezaei is an Information Security Enthusiast with 10 years of experience in application and information security. Hamid gained his Master of Science (M.S) in Secure Computations. He started his career with binary analysis and exploitation and wrote two e-books about Binary Debugging and Binary Exploiting. He worked as a Malware Analyst in a domestic antivirus company and analyzed various malware such as Alman, Sality, Ramnit and wrote disinfection tools. As a CTF player, his team got ranked and prized in many different CTF competitions. In 2014 his team ranked first place in NULLCON CTF and got VIP to pass for the conference. He is currently working as a team leader in the security research lab at a private company that focused on network and cloud infrastructure. He also has experience as application security team lead and worked on different areas in the Secure SDLC process, such as threat modeling, secure coding, static and dynamic application security testing, network and file format fuzzing. As a bug bounty hunter, He found security vulnerabilities in Cisco, Microsoft, Bosch, AT&T, and other companies. Due to the severity of vulnerabilities, he received awards for his finding. He was recognized as MVP(Most Valuable Pentester) on Bugcrowd.
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¹This plan includes Digital Forensics Essentials (DFE), Ethical Hacking Essentials (EHE), and Network Defense Essentials (NDE) certifications. No other EC-Council certifications are included.